BI offers WORST PTO of any company


Judge for yourself if this is the shitty company you really WANT to work for:

1. Only accrue 8 hrs every two weeks
2. Only 3 free sick days per year (others give unlimited or 10)
3. Bank only 1.5 times your allotted per year
4. If you take off any days without a bank then kiss your butt out of here
5. If you have sick kids better find a sitter and plan for them to be sick
6. If you leave you can only cash out 50% of your bank (I'm not even sure that's legal)

BI is NOT a family company that cares for you other than what you can do for them. This is how the see you. Ask yourself , is this the company I want to give my time and talents too? It's nothing more than like working for a contract sales company - jump for a few years to feed your family then jump the hell away when something more permanent opens up.


The Truth always hurts those that spit the lies. Getting sued sucks and I am sure BI reps are nervous about the march layoff. 1800 Bad Drug

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-Cafe Pharma