BI has turned to shit

Little by little there are changes.
It is done this way so most won't even notice. Small but frequent [tweeks]. Creates less disruption. They think we do not talk to each other. Currently measuring our metrics. More to come in Q4.
Grocery retailers do the same thing when they package things smaller but charge the same price, or more. It takes us a while to notice. They learn this in Shady Business 101. Pharma has always been about smoke and mirrors.

BIPI is a paycheck & Pharma experience- they do not appreciate loyalty and the established lifers have already picked their successors. Established senior leadership is clueless, myopic, & self serving. They do not care anything about their team. Training is a joke- at least it’s easy.
Virtual interactions are about as real as a séance- but somehow the company thinks. Impactful.
BIPI is a temporary job that’s why they’re the lowest paying in pharma.

Excellent summary.

The company has been sold on Bullshit created by to make more money for its investors. Virtual calls in sales is dead....the MCE goals are all total lies and moral is in the toilet. Docs don't want to be harassed and bombarded with emails , most have blocked them. If a doc won't see you in person he sure shit ain't gonna see you virtually. They force us all to lie to them to placate to metrics. I fucking sick of it. Management better wake up or they're going to have a mass exodus on their hands. All decision are top down with this company never consulting the very people who do all the dirty work of selling product. They need to clean house of upper management and start promoting real sales people to upper sales management.

I really hope it's yet another metric so that the field sales morale continues to improve! All I know is that Veeva Suggestions and weekly emails to our customers are very valuable to our numbers. Top notch, BI! o_O

Could not agree more the company was sold a bill of goods that is making its entire customer facing teams want to rip their eyes out. Fuck your emails, fuck your virtual and fuck your MCE.

This is spot on. I have never worked for a company that doesn’t listen to its sales force. YL has one management style and it’s his way or the highway. Virtual interactions are a joke, suggestions give me break already. CME goal of 28%. It’s all a joke.