BHBU Conf Call tomorrow




(yes we needed a conference call, it wasn't to announce that CT was leaving it was to announce that JT is coming)

You have no sense of etiquette

Really? Then why did did we receive an email for ht leaving and for this it needed to be an urgent cc? Ridiculous! Kk and jt sound like two guys from jersey!

Really? Then why did did we receive an email for ht leaving and for this it needed to be an urgent cc? Ridiculous! Kk and jt sound like two guys from jersey!

hey moron we did have a conference call that announced KK joining, also it wasnt KK call about his own email that was Jim Daly, so when KK was in charge, he made the choice to get everyone on the phone and tell them. What is the big deal, it was 5-10 minutes long, get a life and get real.




(yes we needed a conference call, it wasn't to announce that CT was leaving it was to announce that JT is coming)

You have no sense of etiquette

By your sense of reasoning, we should have had a conference call to announce HT leaving and KK coming...but all that we got was a voicemail. Etiquette is making the announcement. The mode of delivery is irrelevant in terms of etiquette.

By your sense of reasoning, we should have had a conference call to announce HT leaving and KK coming...but all that we got was a voicemail. Etiquette is making the announcement. The mode of delivery is irrelevant in terms of etiquette.

Read previous post dumbass, the conference call was to announce Joe not Chris, look where we were and where we are now yet you still find ways to complain. Now we are making fun of how people talk, odd.

Read previous post dumbass, the conference call was to announce Joe not Chris, look where we were and where we are now yet you still find ways to complain. Now we are making fun of how people talk, odd.

"Making fun of people"! Your use of "dumbass" is rather plebeian, like a cover word. Try harder, and maybe, you will be noticed by those that give out the raises, even promotions.

You are so right, Joe T and Ken K have no idea about launching a drug in US, UK, PCP, or Specialty office. I am so glad you know more about those guys then we do. Also they know nothing about buy and bill accounts, introducing biologics to people who know very little about it, they know nothing about contracting, government affairs, and how to fix other peoples screw ups.

what's going on with the IBU? seems like a real talent drain over the last couple of years, and especially in the last few months. a general manager we can't understand and a new sales leader who never sold and never led. seems like the company could care less about us...

You are so right, Joe T and Ken K have no idea about launching a drug in US, UK, PCP, or Specialty office. I am so glad you know more about those guys then we do. Also they know nothing about buy and bill accounts, introducing biologics to people who know very little about it, they know nothing about contracting, government affairs, and how to fix other peoples screw ups.

they know all of those things and more, what a great team they are. I am happy with my job once again.