
Not to stick my 2 cents in but once you cross the miami broward line ZB disappears
That is a fact my friend
Collin, nice try, to defend your godfather and great move hring someones nephew in pb!
Job security
Before you complain i am ZB

You Florida guys still hooked on those painkillers? Reps were high as a kite 24/7 when I was in Miami. Never seen such a large group of pill poppers in my life until I worked in Florida.

the reps on pills in Florida no joke. Remember the Fanny pack warrior, busted in the OR with all sorts of pills in it. If you don’t you haven’t been around long enough… the box openers aren’t the problem, they may be high also but where all those pills come from doesn’t stray far from home.

the reps on pills in Florida no joke. Remember the Fanny pack warrior, busted in the OR with all sorts of pills in it. If you don’t you haven’t been around long enough… the box openers aren’t the problem, they may be high also but where all those pills come from doesn’t stray far from home.

been in the market 20 plus with neither Z or B or ZB and truth is on-both sides

i have not heard of pill poppers nor any ortho rep w a fanny pack
Maybe ur poppin pills

been in the market 20 plus with neither Z or B or ZB and truth is on-both sides

i have not heard of pill poppers nor any ortho rep w a fanny pack
Maybe ur poppin pills
Thanks for nothing. I’ve been in almost 20 years and have seen people do blow in OR, a doctor operate on mushrooms, pills handed out like candy, drug trash cans stolen. If you are that ignorant to what goes on in the OR imagine what your kids up to.

You are a class act.

what does observations have to do with his class? I’ve seen plenty of drug use in the OR myself. Doctors, nurses, reps. Seen people escorted off property for being high while working, nurses and reps. Seen a nurse in OR get arrested for having meth on them in the OR. All in Florida.

what does observations have to do with his class? I’ve seen plenty of drug use in the OR myself. Doctors, nurses, reps. Seen people escorted off property for being high while working, nurses and reps. Seen a nurse in OR get arrested for having meth on them in the OR. All in Florida.

what is all this shit have to do with Mark Bezjak?

Another great move Collin/Bezjak
Fire the only person in the ZB organization who has actually sold something and surgeon relationships
MM is a dick but his time w stryker speajs cor itself and Bezjak keep Collin but let MM go? Stupid move again