Beware of LivaNova

It continues to spiral down the toilet here with the addition of this Chris Hartman idiot. I have no idea how people like this get hired to lead people. It must be because he is a "yes man" who won't push back against the executives who have these delusions of grandeur when setting goals with zero analysis or contemplation. At a critical time coming out of 2020 and this is best person you could find? Hartman hasn't made a significant contribution beyond adding a bunch of reports and meaningless conference calls. Who doesn't love a manager that thinks micromanaging and meaningless reports will inspire people?! He's yet another person brought in with zero knowledge about epilepsy and the market place we operate yet he appears to dismiss everything being said by people with decades of experience. The absolute worst thing about the guy is he has made it very apparent he doesn't want to hear anything but good news and craps on people who give him honest feedback. He's conditioning people just to feed him bullshit and he's surrounding himself with suck ups that only mirror his reality. Some of his decision making is completely baffling or he's just lazy and makes decisions based on what's easiest for him so he doesn't have to make any tough calls. He doesn't know crap about motivating people, especially sales people. He just keeps repeating his "Apollo 13" story and "we are all in this together" bullshit. I was rooting for the guy to be successful but it has become apparent he is in way over his head and he's going to drag everyone down with him.

It continues to spiral down the toilet here with the addition of this Chris Hartman idiot. I have no idea how people like this get hired to lead people. It must be because he is a "yes man" who won't push back against the executives who have these delusions of grandeur when setting goals with zero analysis or contemplation. At a critical time coming out of 2020 and this is best person you could find? Hartman hasn't made a significant contribution beyond adding a bunch of reports and meaningless conference calls. Who doesn't love a manager that thinks micromanaging and meaningless reports will inspire people?! He's yet another person brought in with zero knowledge about epilepsy and the market place we operate yet he appears to dismiss everything being said by people with decades of experience. The absolute worst thing about the guy is he has made it very apparent he doesn't want to hear anything but good news and craps on people who give him honest feedback. He's conditioning people just to feed him bullshit and he's surrounding himself with suck ups that only mirror his reality. Some of his decision making is completely baffling or he's just lazy and makes decisions based on what's easiest for him so he doesn't have to make any tough calls. He doesn't know crap about motivating people, especially sales people. He just keeps repeating his "Apollo 13" story and "we are all in this together" bullshit. I was rooting for the guy to be successful but it has become apparent he is in way over his head and he's going to drag everyone down with him.

This is spot on. Hartman is a complete dork who leads by cliches and sending out memes. He actually told a story where he was “insulted” that the growth expectations from the BOD were too low so he raised the sales force’s goals!? Does he know how we get paid? He’s losing experienced people, mostly anyone who has the nerve to challenge him. His business acumen is questionable and he has no idea how to lead a sales force. Made all the managers read “5 dysfunctions of a team” and he checks the box for all five. His “catching up with Chris” call is just an opportunity for everyone to kiss his ass. It’s embarrassing what this company has become.

After meeting the people who are advising our CEO at our weak NSM I have even less confidence in the leadership in this company. Anytime anything doesn't go the way they want it to they waste millions on consultants to cover up their bad decision making. Is there any better indicator that our executives don't have a clue when they keep flushing money down the toilet for consultants? They take zero accountability for their failure to diversify our revenue streams and just keep punching down when they don't get the results they want. Completely ignore the fact they have reinvested nothing back into a therapy that is 20+ years old. Just keep sucking the money out of the company for an overpaid CEO and bad idea after bad idea with nothing to show for it. Neuromod has been spiraling since they put Hartman in place. It's bad enough no one genuinely likes the guy but the fact he has zero respect from the sales force is catastrophic.

I'm praying someone on our BOD can see through their BS and start cleaning house at the top. This was once a great company with a lot of potential and they have let all of that opportunity slip away. Need someone that holds leadership accountable and stop surrounding them with "yes" men.

Chris Hartman is taking the Neuromodulation unit to the shitter. He is awful and doesn’t care about the human that helps put money into his bank account. Everybody is replaceable and all he wants is for people to kiss his ass. He brought nobody over from his prior company meaning no one liked him. He has zero personality and is socially awkward.

As of today CH is gone! So glad he “resigned”. (LOL - NOT!) I hope Bill Kozy can look deep into the executive leadership and get rid of the many other CH butt kissers. There are many on the ELT that should have went with CH. I hope Bill really bring some honesty and value back to the company.

The company should be ashamed in their lack of oversight that let Hartman drive neuromod into the ground. They need to get rid of all the sycophants he surrounded himself with. Buckman for bringing him on board and Chris Leary, Sandy Black and Marquart should follow him out the door. I liked Matt but he took ass kissing to a whole new level and was rewarded with some bullshit goals when he knew Hartman was full of shit. In Hartman’s short stint he completely decimated the West and wiped out 50+ years of epilepsy sales experience leadership and there was probably at least a dozen pclub awards between the four managers he forced out. West hasn’t been the same since and all the outside Hartman clone director/managers they brought in don’t know shit about epilepsy. Brent blew off all the internal candidates for RM positions and hired more outside managers with zero epilepsy experience. With Brim joining Neuropace he already took our best rep in CA. He’s going to run circles around Patterson and Panzer with his connections and epilepsy experience.

I was wondering where this douce bag landed. Did a google search and found this post. Sounds like you had the same narcissistic leader ship style we had at Stryker. Saw he got hired by some new start up. I'll give him two years before he sinks that company. How do these guys keep getting put in leadership roles? I wouldn't put him in charge of my janitorial staff.

This place is on the verge of collapse, cyber attack Nov 2023, 3 CEOS in 2 years, mass exodus of senior staff. Skeleton crews in all departments, check Glassdoor because HR has been spending a lot of time responding to those reviews rather than fix the issues at the office. They closed all the offices in PA and are laying off 140 people. My advice is to pass on this place even if you are desperate.

Can someone explain to me how Chris Leary still has a job here? He has been screwing up the numbers since the pandemic and it's cost us good people. If you're going to restructure regions and territories you have to take that into account when setting goals. He has no idea how to motivate sales people and wastes hundreds of thousands of dollars rewarding mediocre performance. It's either blatant favoritism, he is incompetent or he is taking bribes.

He should have been shown the door with Hartman for enabling that jackass. Marquart too, Bowden would have been a much better leader of the salesforce but I guess the executives couldn't see through all of Matt's ass kissing. Total indication of the executives mindset at this company, get rid of the competent leaders who will be honest and promote the managers who will just tell you what you want to hear.