BEVESPI Model Inhaler

Oh my... only $300 K in the bank??? You should be really worried you idiot, as it takes multiple millions to retire well these days... you should sell the sports car, buy a Prius, sell house and move to double wide if you expect to make it in retirement, fool

Not sure you are getting it. He said he had a healthy 401K AND $300K in the bank. So the $300K is liquid assets. He probably also has a grandfathered defined pension plan, so I would assume that combined he has well over $2M ready for retirement.

Yo Dick weed, also in the upper 5% income and sitting on a nice fat 401(k) as well as pension. $400,000 house paid off, 300,000 in the bank, i owe nobody, put three kids through college, drive around in my Z4 BMW convertible. Hope you never do as well, because you are a fucking asshole! LOL all the way to the bank DickWeed. By the way, was never married to the company, my nose is not brown from sticking it up everyone's asshole and I never missed any of my three sons events as they grew up! That is why you are a dick weed and I am where I am! So who is the loser?
Oh and incidentally, I am kicking your company's ass in my territory. Have a good day!

Oh yeah,,, my pecker is bigger than yours, just ask your ole lady!!! Btw, the Z4 is a f'n toy!!!