Betting Pool-Who goes to prison first

Joe Di Pinto is the best. I worked with him at J&L in the past. I admire him and enjoy working with him. Organized, creative marketing ideas, and a strong leader.

Joe sure does know how to build a culture, how long was he employed at Abraxis? They didn't put up with he abusive attitude and the Board here shouldn't either.

What is the opposite of FUD?


Uncertainty-Certainty (there are countless posts over the past many years on this board from someone who claims to work at the company about sales, revenues, break even points, debt restructuring that could lead a reasonably uncertain person to be less uncertain and more certain about positive prospects for the company)

Doubt-Certainty (see above)

Anyone who went from fearful, uncertain, and doubtful to more fearless, more certain and less doubtful because of this guys agenda based propaganda for the last several years is a victim and acted on that propaganda in any way and has damages is a victim.