Better Sell ISRG Now...

Please share an excerpt or two from the emails you have. Leave out names or anything incriminating of course. It would be awesome to see an example of what is out there that most people don't know about.

from csd "for clarification, sacrocolpopexy counts as 2 procedures. before eoq scrub all cases and be sure all dvscs are entered as dvsc & dvh."

and yes, this was after JA declared dvsc counted as 1 procedure.

This has nothing to do with earnings. No grand conspiracy...just some sales people making poor choices in a high pressure environment. ISI implemented on site to keep everyone honest. End of story.

From a former service engineer and now regional manager " I don't care how long the Preventive Maintenance takes you, just make sure it works properly when you leave. We don't need the FDA on our backs about late PM's so just get it signed off"

You get rid of these rogue, non drug tested engineers and managers, CSR, ASM's as well?? Does this explain the injuries and issues that caused all the lawsuits? c'mon boyscouts. the FDA know about this? My inside sources who still works there, says no. He has no hope for the stocks, so what does he have to lose

It's goes well beyond the earnings, ghost cases, sterile adapter cancellations, trocar issues, and bad arm brakes that were put out to consumers

From a former service engineer and now regional manager " I don't care how long the Preventive Maintenance takes you, just make sure it works properly when you leave. We don't need the FDA on our backs about late PM's so just get it signed off"

You get rid of these rogue, non drug tested engineers and managers, CSR, ASM's as well?? Does this explain the injuries and issues that caused all the lawsuits? c'mon boyscouts. the FDA know about this? My inside sources who still works there, says no. He has no hope for the stocks, so what does he have to lose

It's goes well beyond the earnings, ghost cases, sterile adapter cancellations, trocar issues, and bad arm brakes that were put out to consumers

wait, so did these robot issues lead to conversions or case aborts? did investors, patients and the FDA know all the facts? can this be proven in court???

From a former service engineer and now regional manager " I don't care how long the Preventive Maintenance takes you, just make sure it works properly when you leave. We don't need the FDA on our backs about late PM's so just get it signed off"

Forgive me, but I really don't see what is so "rogue" about this. Sounds like two people doing their job correctly to me. You guys are grasping for straws now. Time to change the channel.