Better Not Bring These ACell Fools On

Had several people who were retained say it’s a complete shit show! Docs also pissed! That’s Integra! Reputation: don’t work hard for shit money

“Regional Acute Business leaders”...integra out reps in those roles without interviewing them or talking to them and now they’re calling themselves managers...laughable!

Top acell reps consistently made $350k+, some made $500k+ in multiple years. Do you think we are going to stick around for the dogsh*t pay at Integra and listen to these clueless managers that we don’t want anywhere near one of my docs? Uhhh, no thanks. We out. You guys can’t sell this technology without us. I’ve already met too many idiots in a few days. Business is going to plummet.

Ask how many people are still around from TEI. Those reps made good money too. Integra wants all their reps making 120k max

You act like ACell is good. Shows your lack of intellect and awareness. But at any rate. I do agree. The managers are useless

Says the person who represents a technology that has been out for nearly 50 years, who hasn't had to make a real sales pitch or prospect their entire career at Integra. You deliver fucking boxes dude; get over yourself.

There’s a few old skool heads still bangin around making good cheddah. I’d say a good 75% of the AM’s are light on experience with zero relationships relying on an old but proven technology to ride the coat tails of. Eventually the regenerative game will shift with new technologies, and once out of the (weak ass) non-compete, whose going to carry it?! Those with lasting relationships, and it will be game on. What goes around will come around. For all the years of bullshit, it’ll be worth it to see some heads spin. Choke on it.