Better Deys

here is a novel idea; for the people who are happy with the new dey- stay, and for the people that are not happy- leave; why make it so complicated? move on people!

I'll post before our little "gung ho" buddy spews more nonsense. Here it is.....blah, blah, blah, blah, "you are an assclown, Dey is great, who needs you, you will be fired, Dey is great, Management is perfect, you are a bottom feeder, Dey is great, just do your job, lucky to have a job, Dey is great, just follow the company line like a sheep, your a whiner".....blah, blah, blah.

I'll post before our little "gung ho" buddy spews more nonsense. Here it is.....blah, blah, blah, blah, "you are an assclown, Dey is great, who needs you, you will be fired, Dey is great, Management is perfect, you are a bottom feeder, Dey is great, just do your job, lucky to have a job, Dey is great, just follow the company line like a sheep, your a whiner".....blah, blah, blah.

Keep this post coming as long as mgmt buddy keeps spewing! How do you like it, DM and RD pigs? Once you clean up your acts, quit backstabbing between your reps, and let us do what we do best, and quit trying to justify your worth, this whole dey company board will get cleaned up! How about it?

PIP these fools if they dont wanna leave!

I'll post before our little "gung ho" buddy spews more nonsense. Here it is.....blah, blah, blah, blah, "you are an assclown, Dey is great, who needs you, you will be fired, Dey is great, Management is perfect, you are a bottom feeder, Dey is great, just do your job, lucky to have a job, Dey is great, just follow the company line like a sheep, your a whiner".....blah, blah, blah.

I'll post before our little "gung ho" buddy spews more nonsense. Here it is.....blah, blah, blah, blah, "you are an assclown, Dey is great, who needs you, you will be fired, Dey is great, Management is perfect, you are a bottom feeder, Dey is great, just do your job, lucky to have a job, Dey is great, just follow the company line like a sheep, your a whiner".....blah, blah, blah.

Good one! If you didn't post it, I would have....keep it going.....

Everyone with insecure DM's. I call truth!

You are so right. This is true @ Dey and every other Pharma company. When you have a strong, confident, competent manager you see very little turnover. On the other hand, when you have an insecure, petty, incompetent manager you see a great deal of turnover and those managers will use terms like "trimming the fat" rationalize their incompetence.