Best Zone Directors

Shut up about Eric! Don't we have bigger problems, such as this buyout?! Pack of stupid idiots! Leave him alone and figure out what is going to happen to our jobs!

Agreed! Who cares if someone we work with is gay? What impact does that have on any of us? Let's at least be respectful of one another. We are all in this together. Even those of us who are secretly praying for it to happen, so that we can escape the "golden handcuffs" of pharma. No matter what our individual situations are, the next few months are likely to be anxiety filled. Even if there are not layoffs, there will be lots of changes. Let's focus on that. If you want to knock someone for their performance, or lack thereof, that's one thing. But please, let's not worry about trying to "out" someone.

If you have worked here for more than 2 years you should already know the details. The 2 situations described above are both true. EJ was questioned about situation with LJ and his personal preferences, which sounds counterintuitive but that's how EJ operates. I guess it depends on the % of time spent with each "team" that determines who he plays for, and its known that it's well over 50% male. As for the LJ situation they were told it was inappropriate and to stop. Of course they did not listen and LJ has benefited ever since. It's Shire 101. "Don't ask, don't tell or everyone will know, EJ likes to blow"

I do believe that is when EJ's hair almost fell out! (because it was one of Bruce's friends, who was told by Bruce to proceed.....) From then on it was EJ's mission and he did everything in his power to constantly drag BM's name through the mud