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Best party ever this week, thanks Novo!


felt like a rock star with VIP treatment all week! loved that new disco they rented out just for the Novo crowd, and thanks for the new swag to take home!
Not really. Quite sad, actually. Once again, a Novo POA has ended with the breakup of many marriages. Why does our company put married people in this "spring break" environment time and time again?

Not really. Quite sad, actually. Once again, a Novo POA has ended with the breakup of many marriages. Why does our company put married people in this "spring break" environment time and time again?
Because they expect us to act like adult professionals? I find it hilarious watching all of the married men and women sticking their hands down their colleagues' pants at a launch meetings or European vacation. And now, here is a CP poster blaming the company?

Not really. Quite sad, actually. Once again, a Novo POA has ended with the breakup of many marriages. Why does our company put married people in this "spring break" environment time and time again?

Pathetic. I truly feel sorry for you if you don't trust your partner to be around the opposite sex and/or alcohol. I have been married for a long time and wouldn't ever feel tempted in these settings. It's about letting your hair down and having some fun before the long and challenging task of launching a product.

Lighten the F up!

Because they expect us to act like adult professionals? I find it hilarious watching all of the married men and women sticking their hands down their colleagues' pants at a launch meetings or European vacation. And now, here is a CP poster blaming the company?
The company is partially responsible. They created the atmosphere by implementing 'spring break' style POA's. These POA's are a take from a male-dominated used car salesman party atmosphere, not how medical professionals behave. Could you imagine the AMA, ADA, or AACE hosting a convention with these rock star parties? They don't, because they actually care about patients and not getting their RBD buddies laid at a company meeting.

Are you kidding yourself? A Novo POA isn't made to break up marriages. Plenty of us have been to countless POAs at Novo and other companies (they all do the party part) and countless of us have never considered breaking our vows.

Those that do probably do so at other opportunities as well, so don't blame Novo.

You aren't blaming them for creating alcoholics and gambling addicts, too.......or are you?

Are you kidding yourself? A Novo POA isn't made to break up marriages. Plenty of us have been to countless POAs at Novo and other companies (they all do the party part) and countless of us have never considered breaking our vows.

Those that do probably do so at other opportunities as well, so don't blame Novo.

You aren't blaming them for creating alcoholics and gambling addicts, too.......or are you?
Breaking of vows? Are you kidding me? How about just worry about what you are doing and not worry about what others choose to do. If two adults decide they want to have some brief physical contact with each other..it's their choice. No one needs to know and let them deal with their "moral dilemmas". Some may not view a little fun as something that's vow breaking. It's just a variation of innocent masturbation....just using someone else to assist you. Worry about yourself!

very disturbing that hooking up with someone at a POA is the equivalent of innocent masterbating....wow! You certainly have some moral views to work through!

Nice of you to decide not only what's good for your marriage, but also what others should do in theirs. What else do you want to stick your nose in that's none of your business?

The company is partially responsible. They created the atmosphere by implementing 'spring break' style POA's. These POA's are a take from a male-dominated used car salesman party atmosphere, not how medical professionals behave. Could you imagine the AMA, ADA, or AACE hosting a convention with these rock star parties? They don't, because they actually care about patients and not getting their RBD buddies laid at a company meeting.

Evidently, you've never attended ADA or AMA or ACC meetings as a guest of an attendee. First of all, the demographics are very different; those that attend such meetings are just a wee bit more mature and educated than our field force. Nonetheless there is plenty of overt infidelity there, too.

Breaking of vows? Are you kidding me? How about just worry about what you are doing and not worry about what others choose to do. If two adults decide they want to have some brief physical contact with each other..it's their choice. No one needs to know and let them deal with their "moral dilemmas". Some may not view a little fun as something that's vow breaking. It's just a variation of innocent masturbation....just using someone else to assist you. Worry about yourself!

I think you just proved OPs point without meaning to do so. Hey, let's ask the cheated-on spouses and fiancés, OK? Shtupping someone else when you're married has led to many a divorce, and has hurt many a child. But hey, as long as you get your sexual cravings addressed at company functions, who cares who else gets hurt?

You must be the 'Open Marriage' poster that so many of us made fun of last year.

I could care less what people do at POA however, it would be nice for the company to provide an alternative activity to the Spring break atmosphere....and yes I agree, the parties are geared towards the younger reps. It would be nice to have an activity with some good jazz where one doesn't have to yell to be heard. For those who love the party atmosphere more power to them, but there are those of us who love good jazz or even blues in a less hyper environment.

I could care less what people do at POA however, it would be nice for the company to provide an alternative activity to the Spring break atmosphere....and yes I agree, the parties are geared towards the younger reps. It would be nice to have an activity with some good jazz where one doesn't have to yell to be heard. For those who love the party atmosphere more power to them, but there are those of us who love good jazz or even blues in a less hyper environment.

Yes, let's hold 5 separate parties at every event, so that you can be happy. It seems like you'd be thankful that the company wanted to spend a gazillion dollars to throw you a massive party at the end of the week. But, no, you would rather complain about it because it wasn't the exact atmosphere that you'd prefer. Give me a break!

I could care less what people do at POA however, it would be nice for the company to provide an alternative activity to the Spring break atmosphere....and yes I agree, the parties are geared towards the younger reps. It would be nice to have an activity with some good jazz where one doesn't have to yell to be heard. For those who love the party atmosphere more power to them, but there are those of us who love good jazz or even blues in a less hyper environment.

What about those of us that love classical or Opera, or old school R&B like Chicago or Earth Wind and Fire? Shouldn't we have our preferences addressed at national meetings, too?

I am truly astounded at the sense of entitlement here. "Waaahh…I don't like the atmosphere at our big POAs, launches, and the trip to England". Go and tell that to people at Pfizer or Sanofi, OK? "Waaahh…I don't like our car choices. Why can't I have a AWD?" Go and tell your competitors that sordid tale, and see how they empathize with you.

I think you just proved OPs point without meaning to do so. Hey, let's ask the cheated-on spouses and fiancés, OK? Shtupping someone else when you're married has led to many a divorce, and has hurt many a child. But hey, as long as you get your sexual cravings addressed at company functions, who cares who else gets hurt?

You must be the 'Open Marriage' poster that so many of us made fun of last year.

It's good to see on here as the voice of a group of people whom you don't know, have no idea of their values, wants, needs, etc., and they haven't asked you to speak up on their behalf.

Just admit that YOU don't like to see it because it goes against your own moral values. Quit pretending you give a shit about nameless, faceless, spouses and children that you don't even know exist. This is simply a case of you imposing your own morals on someone else and judging them because they make different choices than you do. Just own it, and quit making it like it's something that it isn't. People are different than you, and you don't like it. That's all this is.

It's good to see on here as the voice of a group of people whom you don't know, have no idea of their values, wants, needs, etc., and they haven't asked you to speak up on their behalf.

Just admit that YOU don't like to see it because it goes against your own moral values. Quit pretending you give a shit about nameless, faceless, spouses and children that you don't even know exist. This is simply a case of you imposing your own morals on someone else and judging them because they make different choices than you do. Just own it, and quit making it like it's something that it isn't. People are different than you, and you don't like it. That's all this is.

MY morality? Nameless faceless spouses and children? At Novo? Do you really work here, or are you still recruiting for your Sacramento Swingers Club? You can't be serious.