Best Overall CRM Product Line

I guess it comes down to how many millions it takes to move market share by 1 point. I do not have that info but CF and team will move 50-60 million in 12 months. Not to mention the other reps that are pondering the jump. I am not in the minority when I say I am sorry to see him leave Boston Scientific. He was a valuable salesman that always took time to help others out.

idiot, 20-30 mil at best. its big for a bottom feeder, but not a top tier co.

The products are very competitive and we are coming out with 8-12 new items a year. When you say we can't stay with the technological superiority of MDT or BSX what exactly are you talking about? Bio has every feature that an implanter could want.
With the additions of CF and team, Biotronik just announced in a conference call record Sales for the quarter and I am sure with more to come.

The products are very competitive and we are coming out with 8-12 new items a year. When you say we can't stay with the technological superiority of MDT or BSX what exactly are you talking about? Bio has every feature that an implanter could want.
With the additions of CF and team, Biotronik just announced in a conference call record Sales for the quarter and I am sure with more to come.

this shows what a bottom feeder biotronic is. one individual shoots you into record quarter status. cf is big, i agree. but the loss does damn little to the bottom line of bsx. so enjoy you record quarter, but biotronic still is not on the radar.

The products are very competitive and we are coming out with 8-12 new items a year. When you say we can't stay with the technological superiority of MDT or BSX what exactly are you talking about? Bio has every feature that an implanter could want.
With the additions of CF and team, Biotronik just announced in a conference call record Sales for the quarter and I am sure with more to come. there a reason why the k.c. area is not seeing the 8-12 new items a year? my peers in minn, denver, and seattle wonder the same. loser!

this shows what a bottom feeder biotronic is. one individual shoots you into record quarter status. cf is big, i agree. but the loss does damn little to the bottom line of bsx. so enjoy you record quarter, but biotronic still is not on the radar.

Just keep telling yourself that.
They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me.

You sound like the ass kicking has already begun in your territory.

2008 New Products: 2 New Bipolar LV leads, 3 new Scout Pro lead delivery system shapes, Q4 release of the Lumax 540 HE ICD & HE CRTD.

As far as bottom feeder is concerned you must be referring to Russo and Tobin, that is as low as you can get in this industry.

Just keep telling yourself that.
They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me.

You sound like the ass kicking has already begun in your territory.

2008 New Products: 2 New Bipolar LV leads, 3 new Scout Pro lead delivery system shapes, Q4 release of the Lumax 540 HE ICD & HE CRTD.

As far as bottom feeder is concerned you must be referring to Russo and Tobin, that is as low as you can get in this industry.

I can't believe you listed 3 lead delivery items, that is so 2005. I don't work for Boston, but their system is by far the best. I can't imagine anyone using your system, same with the LV leads, that battle has been fought before and most people already have their "go to" lead. But good luck with that. Face it, Bio is a 3rd tier company where you can make bank if you have relationships. But don't sit here and seriously compare products like Bio is somehow on the same level as MDT, BSC, and STJ. It's just not true, for Bio or ELA.

Hey, don't bring ELA in to this. We not only just figured out our email situation by posting here but we too had record quarter. We implanted 7 pacemakers and with 10yrs to ERI changeouts are right arond the corner. Watch out big 3.

I can't believe you listed 3 lead delivery items, that is so 2005. I don't work for Boston, but their system is by far the best. I can't imagine anyone using your system, same with the LV leads, that battle has been fought before and most people already have their "go to" lead. But good luck with that. Face it, Bio is a 3rd tier company where you can make bank if you have relationships. But don't sit here and seriously compare products like Bio is somehow on the same level as MDT, BSC, and STJ. It's just not true, for Bio or ELA.

Just keep telling yourself that Biotronik is not on the same level. Time will prove me right! This company has finaly come out with a very competitve product line that can easily compete with the so called big three. Over the next few years you will see Biotronik's marketshare steadily increase.

I can't believe you listed 3 lead delivery items, that is so 2005. I don't work for Boston, but their system is by far the best. I can't imagine anyone using your system, same with the LV leads, that battle has been fought before and most people already have their "go to" lead. But good luck with that. Face it, Bio is a 3rd tier company where you can make bank if you have relationships. But don't sit here and seriously compare products like Bio is somehow on the same level as MDT, BSC, and STJ. It's just not true, for Bio or ELA.

You must be in denial. The number one Brady lead at Boston Scientific is a Biotronik lead. All the batteries used on the new pacemaker lines are Biotronik batteries. We have great products and will continue to increase our market share over the coming years. Face it...there are now 4 companies to look at in CRM.

Whatever!!! I'm not too concerned about Bio today. When you get above 2.5% let me know. You may have pockets where its 3%, nice job selling I mean clinicals actually pulling in the cases. When are you going to join ADVAMED? Real device companies already do.

Whatever!!! I'm not too concerned about Bio today. When you get above 2.5% let me know. You may have pockets where its 3%, nice job selling I mean clinicals actually pulling in the cases. When are you going to join ADVAMED? Real device companies already do.

I iwsh we didn't belong to ADVAMED - but alas - we do. In fact, we're the only CRM company being investigated by the OIG for business practices. The myth that we don't adhere to ADVAMED is tired - besides - just because a company rep signs the ADVAMED docs when hired - let's not leap to the conclusion that means their day-to-day activities in the field would stand up to scrutiny. There's plenty of other things to take potshots at us for anyway...

I iwsh we didn't belong to ADVAMED - but alas - we do. In fact, we're the only CRM company being investigated by the OIG for business practices. The myth that we don't adhere to ADVAMED is tired - besides - just because a company rep signs the ADVAMED docs when hired - let's not leap to the conclusion that means their day-to-day activities in the field would stand up to scrutiny. There's plenty of other things to take potshots at us for anyway...

...typo of mine in the previous post - we're the only CRM company NOT being investigated by the OIG...

You must be in denial. The number one Brady lead at Boston Scientific is a Biotronik lead. All the batteries used on the new pacemaker lines are Biotronik batteries. We have great products and will continue to increase our market share over the coming years. Face it...there are now 4 companies to look at in CRM.

hey dick fuck BSC made steroid collars for you for years they are sharing your lead technology good for you. That being said they dont use your fuckn batteries............get off the koolaid

just because you were shitcanned from st jude dont be selling your new shitty products cause we aint buyn

a concerned MD

...typo of mine in the previous post - we're the only CRM company NOT being investigated by the OIG...

Are you fucking kidding me? The federal government owns the houses on both sides of Kenyon Wells' house just so they can keep an eye on him and and have a team following Lucifer, I mean Kenyon, around on a daily basis. Kenyon keeps the Spartanburg John Deere dealership in business. Who knew so many docs wanted tractors and Gators.

Just keep telling yourself that.
They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me...They can't hurt me.

You sound like the ass kicking has already begun in your territory.

2008 New Products: 2 New Bipolar LV leads, 3 new Scout Pro lead delivery system shapes, Q4 release of the Lumax 540 HE ICD & HE CRTD.

As far as bottom feeder is concerned you must be referring to Russo and Tobin, that is as low as you can get in this industry.

you're kidding right. This battle has been fought and won. It was years ago you idiot. Biotronic is a joke.

I don't know who has the best product line - and I don't really care. Let's not forget, there was a day when Teletronics had the best ICD on the market - it was the only one that had a VVI pacemaker in it.

If Medtronic/Boston/St Jude paid 20% commissions to independent reps - would anyone leave??? No, they pay 1.9% (Medtronic) and work you like a dog who should be thankful for the food they're given. Or you can try BSC, where plan changes every few months (go back to 2003-04).

CRM reps are no different than reps in any other industry - go to the company that pays the most in comms and see what happens.

I don't see too many pro athletes saying, "No, I'll stay with the team offering me $1m, even though you're offering me $15m to do the same job."

You guys can argue over product lines all day. I'll sit back and open my pay statement at the end of the month.

I suggest you ask your physician customers the following question - "If HMO A only paid you $250 for every device you put in and PPO C paid you $1000 - which insurance would you rather choose, and which insurance would you suggest your patients get?"

Thats simple I would go with one of the big 3. Bio offers very little that is compelling in making the ep want to use you. And when thet do use bio ALL of the other implanters know what happend and their credibility is somewhat questioned. I know that you are going to say your standard response " that all implanters are concerned about $$$$". Thats not true bc if so then bio would have a mrk shr above 2.5%. When you get to 1/5th of mdt then call me. Remember one thing "TALK IS CHEAP", go out and get/earn those cases. I will respect you when you get there, but until then shut it.

Thats simple I would go with one of the big 3. Bio offers very little that is compelling in making the ep want to use you. And when thet do use bio ALL of the other implanters know what happend and their credibility is somewhat questioned. I know that you are going to say your standard response " that all implanters are concerned about $$$$". Thats not true bc if so then bio would have a mrk shr above 2.5%. When you get to 1/5th of mdt then call me. Remember one thing "TALK IS CHEAP", go out and get/earn those cases. I will respect you when you get there, but until then shut it.

That’s complete bullshit! The fact that Bio does not have the big market share you talk about is directly related to their smaller sales force. This year they are expanding that sales force by 20 percent and plan on doing so for the next several years. The fact that you are not aware of the excellent technology that Bio offers is your loss. Don’t place your own hang ups on the physician’s shoulders. Let everyone make the best decision for them. And to the earlier poster…yes it’s true we do make the batteries for BSC new pacemaker so deal with it.

I don't know who has the best product line - and I don't really care. Let's not forget, there was a day when Teletronics had the best ICD on the market - it was the only one that had a VVI pacemaker in it.

If Medtronic/Boston/St Jude paid 20% commissions to independent reps - would anyone leave??? No, they pay 1.9% (Medtronic) and work you like a dog who should be thankful for the food they're given. Or you can try BSC, where plan changes every few months (go back to 2003-04).

CRM reps are no different than reps in any other industry - go to the company that pays the most in comms and see what happens.

I don't see too many pro athletes saying, "No, I'll stay with the team offering me $1m, even though you're offering me $15m to do the same job."

You guys can argue over product lines all day. I'll sit back and open my pay statement at the end of the month.

I suggest you ask your physician customers the following question - "If HMO A only paid you $250 for every device you put in and PPO C paid you $1000 - which insurance would you rather choose, and which insurance would you suggest your patients get?"

If you do ask your physician customers this question, please record the response and put it on YouTube. I would be very curious how many different ways doctors would tell you to fuck off, because I seriously doubt any of them would ever suggest what type of insurance their patients get, they are just happy when they have insurance at all.

That’s complete bullshit! The fact that Bio does not have the big market share you talk about is directly related to their smaller sales force. This year they are expanding that sales force by 20 percent and plan on doing so for the next several years. The fact that you are not aware of the excellent technology that Bio offers is your loss. Don’t place your own hang ups on the physician’s shoulders. Let everyone make the best decision for them. And to the earlier poster…yes it’s true we do make the batteries for BSC new pacemaker so deal with it.

20% of how many reps 40? So what if you add 8 more reps. so you now have 1 per state. Again let me know when you get to 10% mrk shr. You'll have to let me know bc it wont happen in my accounts.