Best Movies You May Never Have Heard Of


Well-Known Member
I had watched this movie years ago and just ordered it from Netflix. It is titled 'Saving Grace' and in additon to being funny, it has alot of twists and turns right up to the end.

'Highly' entertaining and recommended!

Add your choices to the list . . .


  • Wonka   Feb 12, 2011 at 05:33: PM
Hollywood about to wreck 3 films out of Sweden. All of them on Netflix and the cast is perfect. You get used to subtitles.

Girl with the dragon tattoo.
Girl that played with fire
Girl that kicked the hornet's nest.

2 great comedies from and starring South Park creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone.

Orgazmo. (about a Mormon on mission work that stumbles into porn industry to pay for wedding)
