Best home workout plans

Hi I am a 50 year old female. I am an RD and Exercise Physiologist. I have been running since I was 16. Started Weight lifting at 19. Now I run three days a week, do a DVD routine three days a week and hit the weights 2-3 days a week.

My cholesterol is 140, HDL are over 90. MY BP is 105/60.

I have 12 percent body fat.

Yes I am Very Hot.

You will never look like me...especially you Aerobic Queens that tkae those stupid classes at the Gym, they DO NOTHING. Oh I also eat whatever I want.

So give up, unless you are willing to lift heavy!!

Yes I do work and yes I have a very high paying job..Oh the secret..married to the same guy for 22 years..Dont fool around..Goood Girl..Plenty of time if you do not party!!

The workout you give me on Tuesday and Thursday when your spouse is out of town is just the right thing for me.

What a classy person you must be.

I've been a female runner for many years - ran 4 marathons. I'm older now but still run about 6-8 miles 4 times a week. Recovery days walking or biking.

I do light weights and push-ups (not girlie ones), sit-ups, etc.which will keep you in great shape. You don't need to buy expensive equipment or gym memberships. It is so easy but some people waste money that you could invest or take a great vacation (plenty of fun beaches esp. when your in great shape)!

Hi I am a 50 year old female. I am an RD and Exercise Physiologist. I have been running since I was 16. Started Weight lifting at 19. Now I run three days a week, do a DVD routine three days a week and hit the weights 2-3 days a week.

My cholesterol is 140, HDL are over 90. MY BP is 105/60.

I have 12 percent body fat.

Yes I am Very Hot.

You will never look like me...especially you Aerobic Queens that tkae those stupid classes at the Gym, they DO NOTHING. Oh I also eat whatever I want.

So give up, unless you are willing to lift heavy!!

Yes I do work and yes I have a very high paying job..Oh the secret..married to the same guy for 22 years..Dont fool around..Goood Girl..Plenty of time if you do not party!!

Truth - you are a complete full of it. No one cares about your married life. You are 50 and still running and have a 12 percent body fat. My impression is you have never worked out and I would have a hard time believing you are "hot". Learn the terminology and then I'll believe you.

I hate to exercise. Hurt a knee trying to get back in shape too aggressively. Following surgical repair, the surgeon insisted I start riding a resistance at first, then gradually increase. Cadence minimum of 70rpm, 30 minutes minimum, 4 times per week. Thought he was crazy, but did it anyway. Figured if 30 was good, 40 would be better. Started riding everyday, early in the morning. Before long my trail bike was too slow for me, and I bought a road bike, but was adamant that I would never buy those clip in pedals or those tight biking shorts. I always wore my cross training type shoes, but found late in the rides that my feet were fatiguing. Figured the shoes were doing what they were designed for by absorbing a lot of the energy between my legs and the pedals. At that point the light came on to why the clip-in pedals (and rigid bottom shoes) make sense. Growing tired of my 12-15 mile daily ride, I succumbed to pressure from on of my kids and got the pedals and shorts. Increased my output by at least 30%. Now ride 20-30 miles per day.

Along the way, I cleaned up my diet a bit, eliminating most junk foods. Snack on almonds (always have a bag of them close by) or apples. After 6 months, all the above had me down 25 pounds...pain free. Couldn't ride much over the winter, but my new eating habits maintained my weight loss. Now I'm back at it and have dropped another 5 pounds. My likely maintenance weight will be another 5 pound loss.

My advice is simple: Find something that you can enjoy that you can do every day, and be patient. Before long it becomes a lifestyle. I no longer crave Snickers or carmel corn or ice cream, but I do still enjoy them all on rare occasion. I still eat anything I want, just not as much or as often. I kid you not...this was pain free with no sense of loss for anything that I cut out. I never had any weight loss goals (which can lead to frustration if not achieved). My only goal was to get my sorry ass out of bed every morning, eat breakfast, down a cup of coffee, and hit the road...every excuses.

Your post is great. I've been a running for many years. As a result, I destroyed one of my knees (ASL gone, and meniscus). I'd skied as well so it is hard to tell what happened. When I saw my orthopedic surgeon she told the same - get a bike. However, it is hard for me because I don't get a "runner's high". Hard to explain but if you have ever run you will understand. My surgeon was amazed that I was able to run in that condition. But runners have very strong quads which keeps your knee in place.

I tried to take her (surgeon's advice) but it really wasn't the same. I still run but careful too walk and jog along the way.

Also, I do weights - simple ones. Buy 10 pound wts at Kmart or Walmart. Then I do push ups and sit-ups. It is amazing how toned you look. I'm not young well 21 pushing 45. It is very simple but people spend amazing amounts of money getting in shape and then they do it for a month and stop.

Truth - you are a complete full of it. No one cares about your married life. You are 50 and still running and have a 12 percent body fat. My impression is you have never worked out and I would have a hard time believing you are "hot". Learn the terminology and then I'll believe you.

Actually the poster below my original post, almost exactly confirms what I am saying. she probably looks amazing as well.

I am sorry that you do not believe me. That is the problem with you Fat Ugly Ladies. You hate women like me. I have actually been spit on at my Gym!!

I am sorry you are Fat and Jealous.

You can see me in the August 2009 copy of Muscular Development. I am in the Ad for Egg Protein!! AHOLE!