Best Division to Work For


Which division is the best division to work for currently?

Honest answers only please.

Need some insight.

The best division is Botox Cosmetics, but today coming from the outside candidates will not get this position unless they have many years (5+) of experience in aesthetics sales with a competitor company.

When a position for this division comes up (very rare), current Allergan reps regardless of division will get priority to interview.

Stay away from the worst division which is Aleergan Eye Care, since area managers are all micromanaging A$$HOLES and the division will have layoffs come 1st of the 2014 year.

Allergan is a one trick pony which is Botox and its many indications!!!

The best division is Botox Cosmetics, but today coming from the outside candidates will not get this position unless they have many years (5+) of experience in aesthetics sales with a competitor company.

When a position for this division comes up (very rare), current Allergan reps regardless of division will get priority to interview.

Stay away from the worst division which is Aleergan Eye Care, since area managers are all micromanaging A$$HOLES and the division will have layoffs come 1st of the 2014 year.

Allergan is a one trick pony which is Botox and its many indications!!!

Spot on post!

STAY AWAY from Allergan Eye Care (ticking layoff time bomb) and SkinMedica!

Restasis will lose its patent in April 2014 and will have lots of generic competition by the end of 2014 year!

Botox Cosmetics Division is the best to work for!

Without Botox and all its different indications, Allergan as a company would have no other leg to stand on!

Spot on post!

STAY AWAY from Allergan Eye Care (ticking layoff time bomb) and SkinMedica!

Restasis will lose its patent in April 2014 and will have lots of generic competition by the end of 2014 year!

Botox Cosmetics Division is the best to work for!

Without Botox and all its different indications, Allergan as a company would have no other leg to stand on!

How hard is it to get on with Facial Aesthetics division (Botox) if you aren't already at the company? As an outsider?

And how hard is it to transfer over to FA division if you are in another division?


Who started this ridiculous thread? A trick question? Are there really people out there who set their sights on working for Allergan-any division, just dying to work for Allergan? If you are asking people on Cafeparma this question, why not read the threads?

My personal opinion is most people love their jobs; by that, I mean they love the customers and what they do. I dont know anyone in any division who is happy with today's Allergan. It comes from management. Its the treatment of reps, not the new pharma environment. There are very few managers left who know how to manage and/or coach. Very few are positive and supportive. Training and HR are in the same boat. Fear and intimidation has become the norm and the expected. Who thrives in that type of atmosphere?

So, back to the question of which division is the best to work for- none! I imagine the thread was started by the same goof balls who are conducting the hometown meetings-expecting reps to speak their minds about Allergan after years of managerial threats of being fired. Would you speak up? Noone has yet!

Reps at Allergan are walking around on pins and needles, no eye contact, blinders up. Just trying to keep their jobs. Scared. The smart ones are looking hard. The others are hoping Allergan will somehow "come around".

Whoever used the term "Allergan is one trick pony" in above post is a complete loser and douchebag. Who uses that term?

The person who is hung up on terminology and does not face the facts that without Botox's indications Allergan as a company would have not much to show for is a company KOOL AID drinking A$$HOLE!!!

Whoever used the term "Allergan is one trick pony" in above post is a complete loser and douchebag. Who uses that term?

Not the original poster, but why don't you contact the Obesity Unit Reps who today found out they will be cut soon plus the Eye Care Unit Reps who will be cut soon in 2014...they will all tell you that Allergan has only one trick pony which is Botox!!!

Please save your name calling to our coaching rides!!! Ball licking MORON!!!

How hard is it to get on with Facial Aesthetics division (Botox) if you aren't already at the company? As an outsider?

And how hard is it to transfer over to FA division if you are in another division?


I can't speak for the Botox division, but I can say I recently interviewed for the Breast/Surgical division and was coming from the outside. I got pretty far in the interview process, and was told in the 11th hr that they are going w/ an internal candidate. I know the name of the game and most companies only post these positions on their website to cover ass from a lawsuit, but I was more than qualified, had relationships within the account, and interviewed well yet they still went w/ the internal candidate. Sounds fishy if u ask me

I can't speak for the Botox division, but I can say I recently interviewed for the Breast/Surgical division and was coming from the outside. I got pretty far in the interview process, and was told in the 11th hr that they are going w/ an internal candidate. I know the name of the game and most companies only post these positions on their website to cover ass from a lawsuit, but I was more than qualified, had relationships within the account, and interviewed well yet they still went w/ the internal candidate. Sounds fishy if u ask me

Yeah, it is really fishy to take care of your existing people versus going outside the company and risk hiring a jerk.

The Eye Care North Region is the absolute worst place to be. Everyone knows how protected those managers are. Talk about favoritism! Horrible attitudes, mean-spirited, and I don't envy anyone up there. I will stay down South with my sucky manager. As if the area managers think we are too scared to talk about them behind their backs. We know all about the scare tactics you guys use up there. I just feel so badly that the reps have to put up with you jerks while they beg to sell Lumigan so you can make your bonus, when all you deserve are pink slips.