Best Disease State to work in at NVS?


Rheumatology has best culture any pay imo. Derm pays same but Cosentyx has strong competitors and is getting beat so more of a pressure cooker. Oncology isn't seeing the same contests dollars as immunology. Cardio is bottom of the barrel.

Friends in eye care trying to get over to immunology.

CV is like working as a brand new primary care rep for a contract sales force. If you thrive on a competitive sales environment, this is not the place for you. If you enjoy entering calls based on playing the metrics game correctly, sample dropping, box checking, and having your manager “coach” you during constant ride alongs, you’ll love it.

CV is like working as a brand new primary care rep for a contract sales force. If you thrive on a competitive sales environment, this is not the place for you. If you enjoy entering calls based on playing the metrics game correctly, sample dropping, box checking, and having your manager “coach” you during constant ride alongs, you’ll love it.

You left out the part about making virtually nothing in bonus money.

Why are you still there? You can’t find another job?

You sure do hang out on this website an awful lot.
I would think someone as indispensable to Novartis' bottom-line as yourself would have more important things to do than hang around a bottom-feeder website and troll disgruntled reps.
By all means, please regale us once again on how every rep who hates Novartis C.V. should bail immediately in order to make your miserable, self-important ass happy.

You sure do hang out on this website an awful lot.
I would think someone as indispensable to Novartis' bottom-line as yourself would have more important things to do than hang around a bottom-feeder website and troll disgruntled reps.
By all means, please regale us once again on how every rep who hates Novartis C.V. should bail immediately in order to make your miserable, self-important ass happy.

Hey pot meet kettle. Don’t hate Kettle just cuz she asks you a logical question. Most people don’t torture themselves by staying in jobs they hate.

Hey pot meet kettle. Don’t hate Kettle just cuz she asks you a logical question. Most people don’t torture themselves by staying in jobs they hate.

I've never once claimed to be an organizational asset or to work very hard.
Your sanctimonious ass has repeated the same vapid question 100x and you somehow mistake that for deep thinking.
Stick to rotating Dez's tires and tidying up his basement; you know, the things that keep you employed.

I've never once claimed to be an organizational asset or to work very hard.
Your sanctimonious ass has repeated the same vapid question 100x and you somehow mistake that for deep thinking.
Stick to rotating Dez's tires and tidying up his basement; you know, the things that keep you employed.

Awe the pot boils over rather easily. It’s ok you are the QB1 troll on these Novartis threads..I don’t think anyone wants to dethrone you on that loser status.No need to get so defensiveness and pissy little man. No get back to work protecting your troll kingdom. And remember to take your psychotropic meds before bedtime. Nite nite.

It’s sure as hell not CRM.
Are we CRM or CV? We don’t even know anymore.
All we know is drive your car to the same few accounts, chase down the same docs as last week to do the same sample drop as last week, and be ready anytime to drag your manager into those offices.
Don’t look at the data, because you have no time to develop new business anyway. No thinking allowed.

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