Best AVP

Only a complete moron would come on here and boast about his W-2 and bringing in $600K. Is this guy really in leadership at STJ? For all the confidence and bravado BowTie fronts, he sure looks a like he has an inferiority complex. I too, say, promote him!

The best Neuro AVP is JO. He listens and actually knows something about SCS when he talks to his customers, most of which he developed years ago

A YES man for our fearless leader... JO will stab you in the back in a heartbeat. Peel back the layers and ask a few in-depth questions and you'll find out surprisingly, how little he really knows about scs..

A YES man for our fearless leader... JO will stab you in the back in a heartbeat. Peel back the layers and ask a few in-depth questions and you'll find out surprisingly, how little he really knows about scs..

in complete agreement with this poster. Yes man extraordinaire, never comfortable taking a stance, especially if it may be questioned