BDSI - addiction contract

Salary range is $75,000 - $95,000, based on experience, Bonus is 25% of base but it is uncapped, Quintiles gives $650 car allowance, takes $50/month out of that allowance for personal use and benefits package. Interviews conducted in July and Phili last week. Start date is September 5th and home study begins September 8th, with the launch meeting on Friday, September 12 - Tuesday, September 16th in Orlando, FL.

Don't know about lawsuits, but the whole team hiring for BDSI was like a bunch of clowns. I think the process was supposed to get people for the lowest $ cost and offer nothing in return, no car, no stock....impossible task.

Don't know about lawsuits, but the whole team hiring for BDSI was like a bunch of clowns. I think the process was supposed to get people for the lowest $ cost and offer nothing in return, no car, no stock....impossible task.

There is an allowance which is decent except the territories are HUGE for the amount and quintiles gives you 2 weeks.

There is an allowance which is decent except the territories are HUGE for the amount and quintiles gives you 2 weeks.

Territories are large because there are not many docs that are certified to treat this disease state. Allowance is in line with the norm as is 2 weeks in first year. Stock options is very generous. Impossible task? Not impossible at all...

This product will sink- Trust me! Suboxone has the market 85%, generics are gaining traction -10% WITHOUT reps, Zubsolv branded out almost a year and only 2-3% at most. Zubsolv has amazing insurance coverage but not moving because of loyal doctors to Suboxone. Suboxone and generics rule this market. This bucal patch will be an uphill battle, not an easy space to sell in- you better be prepared to work your ass off for little return. Doctors give patients what they want and they aren't asking for new options! Good luck!

Wow--I bet BDSI wishes they would have asked you before they've developed this product. You seem to know exactly what will happen. I'm sure you must be Chairman of the Board at some large highly profitable pharmaceutical company--with all this knowledge, I can't imagine you would just be some disgruntled troll on a message board.

But thanks for the insight, I have a friend who took a position here, I'm going to call and tell him to resign immediately based on your info.

We will be taking a big risk with BDSI. We could be in line for a big reward. My current company just announced a hiring freeze and will probably have layoffs in November again. I am willing to take the risk and I like the people who I have met also willing. This opportunity does not present itself often.

I heard that the Orexo rep in my area is being considered.
He did not tell the hiring team that they signed a non-compete when they came onboard. Orexo will sue BDSI as soon as they confirm that one of their reps is selling another Bup product for a different company.

BS on non compete! I worked for Orexo and I never signed that. Sure they don't want their reps going to a competitor but that's what RB reps did. It's a disease state that you need experience in, why not hired a rep with background in addiction? If you take this job, watch out for the rb reps- they have never had competitors and work dirty to keep what they have.

BS on non compete! I worked for Orexo and I never signed that. Sure they don't want their reps going to a competitor but that's what RB reps did. It's a disease state that you need experience in, why not hired a rep with background in addiction? If you take this job, watch out for the rb reps- they have never had competitors and work dirty to keep what they have.

I don't think any RB reps left for a contract company

Me too product, no managed care coverage or studies comparing buccal to Suboxone film.
Less medication needed, good luck with that, zubsolv ruined that for BDSI before Bunnavail
even launches. After doing my research, I declined my offer.