BDC makes more cuts...


NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!


NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!

It really is sad to read this no one in this economy should lose their job. However diabetes care and the products they sale are a commodity its that simple. No real value to a testing strip and the meters are generally free. Its all about pricing and consumer care otc is where they belong.

When another quarter passes and more people are laid off I will not feel the least bit bad, it will be due to their own stupidity for staying at this place. Get out or get laid off, your choice people.

When another quarter passes and more people are laid off I will not feel the least bit bad, it will be due to their own stupidity for staying at this place. Get out or get laid off, your choice people.

Ditto, glad I left late last year. I am actually getting my first bonus check here soon for one month and it is more than I made at BDC for the past year/4Q's. Good riddance Bayer!

Good luck finding another job. Most pharma companies are now only offering a 2 year contract. Ask any recruiter. This is the indurstry's way of hiring entry level people and keeping the revolving door revolving. The times of career longevity are behind us. Also, indursty is outsourcing jobs more and more. Look at all the inventiv job listings on any company board. It's safer for companies, for many reasons, to follow these new hiring trends. I'm staying at Bayer till I'm booted out. I still believe in Bayer's products and the value they provide the diabetes patient. I've never had to explain recalls unlike Abbott. But we live in times now that quality is not as important as the bottom line. Our health care system is going down the tubes. Soon, most diabetes pts will be forced to test with those shitty generic meters. God help us!

NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!

Bayer made the smartest move ever...cutting MC and transitioning it to pharma. You go Bayer! Trim that fat! It was smart of Bayer and should of done it a long time ago. Come on people, MC's performance sucked! How many wins did they get us to better our share? Not enough in my opinion. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! Sorry, but it's a dog eat dog world.

NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!

I'm going to enjoy my time here milking it for the remainder of 2011 and doing very little actual work until the entire sales force is all laid off. Then I'm going to collect unemployment:)

Bayer made the smartest move ever...cutting MC and transitioning it to pharma. You go Bayer! Trim that fat! It was smart of Bayer and should of done it a long time ago. Come on people, MC's performance sucked! How many wins did they get us to better our share? Not enough in my opinion. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! Sorry, but it's a dog eat dog world.

So true, bayer could care less about managed care and that's why all the mc force has been eliminated. Why in the hell would anyone stick around here when there is no mc longevity? Strips are basically a commodity, anyone with half a brain and a little intelligence in economics can tell you that. It is just time to move on, for me at least. Good luck.

Tired of listening to the unrealistic kool-aid drinking loyalists here at this place. It is similar to watching a horse walk downtown with blinders, these folks are clueless and unrealistic. Anyone who wants to stay here and push through the mess is just clueless and hopeless. Time to wake up and move on to bigger and better things. Plenty of folks are looking and having luck, time to get up off your ass and start looking or sit back and rot. The leadership at this place is far from good, look where bhc is right now, they didn't get their by "great" leadership. Not trying to be negative at all, just realistic.

NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!

Who gives a f!@#, most reps that were talented and full of ambition left this place already. The ones left are either; new hires, lazy, close to retirement, or just plain ignorant to the market, healthcare, and competition. I look back and am grateful I got out of this place over a year ago, what a joke.

NEWS FLASH: 2nd phase of layoffs took place this week. Gov't account reps/Mngd care reps. Looks like the cuts are NOT OVER. Just keep hanging around til you're next.

Bayer is fusing everything they can, won't be long before bayer diabetes is rolled into consumer care or pharma. Guess what happens then? You lose your job! WAKE UP people!!!!!

Strips are a commodity. Co-pay cards knock the expense down to $15. Most DSS's won't be here longer then 1-2yrs.

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