Bayer to Purchase ADC, Not the No Name Company or Abbott


Interesting. Not surprising. Dump it. Pass out more pink slips, take away the perks and benefits. As I predicted in another thread, more lay-offs are forthcoming. This is just the beginning of the blood-bath that is coming in 2012. Happy New Year Everyone! Good luck.

Interesting. Not surprising. Dump it. Pass out more pink slips, take away the perks and benefits. As I predicted in another thread, more lay-offs are forthcoming. This is just the beginning of the blood-bath that is coming in 2012. Happy New Year Everyone! Good luck.


Bayer is not purchasing ADC. Don't be a fool. BGM is a commodity, brand does not matter to prescribers or payers. The brand names, Freestyle and Precision, will be sold to one of the Plans and a provider, and become their preferred BGM. Made in China, no sales reps, no ADC needed.