Bayer buying part of Abbott?

Bayer cuts debt for freedom to make 'significant' acquisition
February 28, 2012 — 12:15pm ET | By Tracy Staton

Bayer will cut its debt this year to €6 billion, or $8 billion, to give it more financing options as it looks for M&A targets, CFO Werner Baumann told Reuters. With a combination of debt, equity and assets, the company could handle a "significant" acquisition, Baumann told Bloomberg.

Read more: Bayer cuts debt for freedom to make 'significant' acquisition - FiercePharma

Bayer cuts debt for freedom to make 'significant' acquisition
February 28, 2012 — 12:15pm ET | By Tracy Staton

Bayer will cut its debt this year to €6 billion, or $8 billion, to give it more financing options as it looks for M&A targets, CFO Werner Baumann told Reuters. With a combination of debt, equity and assets, the company could handle a "significant" acquisition, Baumann told Bloomberg.

Read more: Bayer cuts debt for freedom to make 'significant' acquisition - FiercePharma

pharma has no future probably Bayer is looking for something significant in crop science or urban planting

LONDON | Mon Dec 5, 2011 6:04am EST

LONDON Dec 5 (Reuters) - Abbott Laboratories has no intention of selling its soon-to-be-separated pharmaceuticals business to another drugmaker and any potential bidder would struggle to persuade management otherwise, its chief executive said on Monday.

Miles White told an industry conference in London speculation that Abbott's drugs unit might be touted for sale was "incorrect".

Abbott announced plans in October to split itself in two, in a move designed to increase Wall Street's focus on the remaining diversified medical product business, which has tended to be overshadowed by pharmaceuticals.

The move prompted immediate talk the drugs arm could prove an attractive acquisition target. Analysts at Jefferies, for example, suggested it might be snapped up by the likes of Merck , Roche, AstraZeneca or Bayer in a couple of years.

White -- who will run the diversified products company while his colleague Richard Gonzalez becomes CEO of pharmaceuticals -- said this idea was wide of the mark.

"Is one or other (of the two companies) an acquisition candidate? The answer is 'no'," he told the FT Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology conference.

"You're probably going to end up with two companies that are in the $40-45 billion range on day one. We're not offering them for sale ... somebody would have to have an awful lot of cash and they'd have to have a 'yes' from a CEO and that would be a tough 'yes' to get."

Abbott shares have been held back for years on concerns the company is too dependent on its flagship rheumatoid arthritis drug Humira, one of the world's top-selling medicines at more than $8 billion a year.

Humira, an injected drug, is facing growing competitive threats, including possible cheaper generic versions and a pill being developed by Pfizer.

He's a fucking liar. And, why would anyone want to buy us? The next four years will only be declining sales and margin. Don't have a pipeline worth anything near what we are losing. The real estate value?

Beside diabetes they will takeover some of the Solvay heritage that not fits to the newco or old Abbott, especially vaccines and older female health products. By the way in some markets Bayer is marketing Androgel as Testogel. Former Solvay organizations in France, UK and Germany currently operating independently will somewhat disappear......

Beside diabetes they will takeover some of the Solvay heritage that not fits to the newco or old Abbott, especially vaccines and older female health products. By the way in some markets Bayer is marketing Androgel as Testogel. Former Solvay organizations in France, UK and Germany currently operating independently will somewhat disappear......

Duodopa is missing will go back to Bayer/Ucb Joint venture....fitting to Neupro this affects mainly Europe not US

Duodopa is missing will go back to Bayer/Ucb Joint venture....fitting to Neupro this affects mainly Europe not US

Yup, UK here, seems that this is what'll happen, all the signs are there....
Plus we got told our split will happen ahead of other affiliates, they want to speed it up. Some of the US products aren't licensed in the UK....
The only thing we got told about benefits, pension, salary etc was that "it will mirror what you had at Abbott"
All our shared services people (HR, finance) have already had their letters.
It's starting......

Yup, UK here, seems that this is what'll happen, all the signs are there....
Plus we got told our split will happen ahead of other affiliates, they want to speed it up. Some of the US products aren't licensed in the UK....
The only thing we got told about benefits, pension, salary etc was that "it will mirror what you had at Abbott"
All our shared services people (HR, finance) have already had their letters.
It's starting......[/QUOT

March 22

Yup, UK here, seems that this is what'll happen, all the signs are there....
Plus we got told our split will happen ahead of other affiliates, they want to speed it up. Some of the US products aren't licensed in the UK....
The only thing we got told about benefits, pension, salary etc was that "it will mirror what you had at Abbott"
All our shared services people (HR, finance) have already had their letters.
It's starting......[/QUOT

March 22

In Germany they are also extremly nervous - hopefully there will be an announcement in march beside Humira and the RSV antibody all other products will be attacted by generic competition in the near future....

Beside diabetes they will takeover some of the Solvay heritage that not fits to the newco or old Abbott, especially vaccines and older female health products. By the way in some markets Bayer is marketing Androgel as Testogel. Former Solvay organizations in France, UK and Germany currently operating independently will somewhat disappear......

There is a hidden diamond in the portfolio - conjugated equine estrogen - guess Bayer is keen on this, especially with the new WHI data - Pfizers Premarin is still a blockbuster and with the new data published in the LANCET reducing breast cancer risk by 23% compared with placebo....