Bard PV

It's crazy how much this division has changed in the last 5 years. Culture seems to have done a complete 180 since HY was promoted from a district manager and we split the bag in half. The shining light was the DCB, but the 6 month data that is now public record is not showing that for the cost we payed for it... Hopefully the 12 month data will be better. But I wouldn't bet another 18 months of my life waiting for it.

Does this mean they will give back their district trip and commissions? Samples are on hold or are they, now they will be to pay for the fraud. The manager claims not to know anything. How is that when every sample is approved by the manager and director of sales. It must be a rep who did it on their own.

What I mean Shit for Brains is the I'm about to close $100k in Vaccubag while your dumb ass is sitting here bitching on CP. Easiest sale in the world but dumbshits like you can't figure that out. Any more questions? I didn't think so.

so how are vaccubag sales now? Is this the big thing that was going to happen? do they have more products in this pipeline?

Can't wait for Doh to return