Bard PV


What are everyone's thoughts on Bard PV? I am close to getting an offer for the arterial division. I am aware of the split of arterial and venous divisions, which does have me worried a bit to leave my current position. This is my main concern.

I've gone over comp plan during a field ride and also with the manager, but wanted to get a real life version if anyone has any personal experiences they can share. I would be leaving a current position in spine to take this position, which gets me closer to my family.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

What I mean Shit for Brains is the I'm about to close $100k in Vaccubag while your dumb ass is sitting here bitching on CP. Easiest sale in the world but dumbshits like you can't figure that out. Any more questions? I didn't think so.

Thanks Hans for pumping us up about vaccubag. Why are so many people leaving not because the money is too good. Hope the new veep will change things but he is another access guy. Just heard one more manager left, Preston in KY.

What I mean Shit for Brains is the I'm about to close $100k in Vaccubag while your dumb ass is sitting here bitching on CP. Easiest sale in the world but dumbshits like you can't figure that out. Any more questions? I didn't think so.

$100k Vaccubag....hahaha. Right. I look forward to reading about that in an email from Marketing.

Why would Hug want to leave? He is still here but I heard the rumor. He is a great guy. I heard King left. Another great guy and I enjoyed training because of him. This place is run by fear and uncertainty.

Why would Hug want to leave? He is still here but I heard the rumor. He is a great guy. I heard King left. Another great guy and I enjoyed training because of him. This place is run by fear and uncertainty.

Why all the turnover so close to the end of the year? I thought "Change" was coming? Gee, where have I heard that before?

Didn't take long for paddy the Biopsy guy to f' up our already putrid comp plan. So here is how it works. If you do well, you follow your sales froth up to. $30k. If your doe. Over 30k relief only applies to that quarter. That is not how it was presented. If you were over, you pay back the forgiveness in the next 2 quarters. If your under, you only get relief from the next quarter.

Fat Albert f'd this plan up big time. This aint Hologic, although your doing a jive Jo? Revving it into their ground...just like you did there. Only question is, are you banging any of the marketing babes yet? That's what made you a legend.

I just happened to read this thread. Ok so fill me in.

Is Doh no longer with CR Bard? or did he take another position in the corporation.

Where is Paddy now? still with biopsy?

Hans....well who cares!!!

everyone leaves bard because bard sucks
people still at bard are trying to leave except hans the a hole and beasley
bard has more former reps working for other companies than mcdonalds
bard suks