Bard BioSurgery Position - Arista & Progel

could someone please provide a current status of this division? Culture, opportunity to make quality money, obtainable quotas, management, pipeline, etc. appreciate the info in advance.

depends on what you think is quality money. They have some tough competition for Arista coming out in 2017 so that should hurt the biosurgery reps big time. Don't know what is in their pipeline.

good gig, if you work hard you'll make money, good company if you want to stay a while, stock, large cash awards for top performers, not a good place if you wanna work just 9-5

But I only work 10-4 every other day and I've won multiple presidents club awards. Yea this gig has is clearly not for me. I'd have more success selling a slimjim and a penthouse mag to Mohammed at the front register at 7-11. About the same technology. ✌️

Hard to make money and sell products when 75% of your products are on backorder for half the year! Competition is on it's way. How do you sell the same sealant for a premium dollar when the competition with the same data is half the cost??? It's not rocket science.

What is going on with the Maryland territory. That thing has been open for over 2 years now. Word has it they hired someone recently who crashed the company car in his first week. That territory is like a black hole that can't get filled.

Interesting direction the leadership is taking this division. Maybe they should promote the leader for driving away all the top reps. Way to kill biosurgery, if you treated reps with respect and professionalism maybe we would stick around.