Anyone know who the Ohio Access Manager is?
It's either Ryan Sablan or Adam Lee
Anyone know who the Ohio Access Manager is?
It's either Ryan Sablan or Adam Lee
Will certainly effort to schmooze Chris Turgeon back in the mix to replace DB if he takes promotion.
I would vote for Bobby T., he is a sales machine!
No doubt! right up there with Dave Nichols
My daughter is terrified of spiders; therefore, she won't walk by the Site Rite in the corner of the garage. Probably a few wasp nests on it also.
Vitacuff upgrades
Any CURRENT or former NON-DISGRUNTLED Access reps comment on this job? What is average yearly income? QOL? High turnover? Is Access the best division at Bard?
Like any job, working at Bard comes has it's positives and negatives. The DM can be a great help or a hinderance. Money is good if you perform. Bard will ask a lot from you, but is not always willing to give back or support their people. The sales reps are the only employees held accountable at BAS. It seems no one in upper management, marketing, engineering, etc have the same expectations or are held accountable for performance like the sales reps are.
Just make sure you are making less than 100K a year currently or you are making too much money for them. They are looking for 75K a year poeple, not people who are proven in the device field.
depends on the dm.
Christmas is a great guy and been a performer every year.