Ball gets 80 million in buyout

What do you expect CEOs to do ? They are playing a VERY complex,High Stakes game potentially worth Billions! They have numerous associates that have a vested interest in HSP. These interests come before ANY employees needs. Pharma,in this day and age is Risky Business in terms of layoffs and acquisitions This is no surprise to anybody in this business


:eek: The greedy unethical shit they pull isn't right and I don't condone it, BUT you can't stop the game when big money is involved. I don't expect anyone to comprehend this, unless you know how the game is played :eek:

You see all the con conformities that HSP exhibits, $500 Million in FDA remediation,SEC $60 Million payout,mass product recalls,Layoffs,Large EEOC settlements,Faulty product settlements ect. YET Hospira gets purchased for a price exceeding market value and ALL this is history and a drop in the bucket for PFE, who has deep pockets. For HSP CEO/VP level and some stockholders it's a huge bank

You freaking windbag. You like to hear yourself talk because no intelligent person will listen to you. Crybabies...the people who have had their lives turned upside down by profiteering CEOs like Ball and the assholes at PFE are always the victims of this fraternity of egomaniacs who
" increase shareholder value". Just another term for greedy bastards kissing each other's asses to make a fast buck. So now Hospira will be gone like many other great companies PFE has swallowed, raped and pillaged for the sake of what? Yeah, the shareholder makes a few bucks. I certainly did in this rotten deal, but I'd be happy with decent returns from both companies vs this windfall and not having thousands of people ruined. I am not a fan of our POTUS, but I do agree with him that WS sucks...a corrupt, manipulative, greedy, morally and ethically deficient bunch of thieving bastards who prey on an uninformed public. Ceo's are in the same cult. Pad their pockets and screw the employees who kept them employed.
Its inevitable that assholes like you find yourselves on the other side of the equation. Then we'll see who the crybabies are. I am sure you will cry louder and longer.
In the words of the great prophet, name unknown..... F&$k you and all those like you, especially that phoney, bullshitting, lying bastard, ball.

Despite your emotional response to my logical post, you make valid points. The pillaging that will occur is going to be brutal. $800 million in cuts with $400 million in the first year can't be done compassionately and won't be. The post was not a support of corporate America's ruthlessness and you are correct that "creating shareholder value" is synonymous with greed. The post was supportive of the way Ball ran the company and it was a tweak at the crybabies who always think they can do everything better than whoever is doing it. Their platitudes and clichés got really, really old. When Ball puts the company is a position that PFE wants to shell out $15 billion in cash and assume $2 billion in debt, he did his job and did it well - make that magnificently. Telling PFE that "We don't want your $90 because it won't be good for our employees" is not an option. Fiduciary responsibility and all that. All this said, I think the company is worth $110 and I am voting no on this deal. I doubt if the institutional shareholders will concur. If someone wants to be insulated from this type of thing occurring in corporate America, their only option is to not work in corporate America. These are the rules and we all know it and have for a long time.

You freaking windbag. You like to hear yourself talk because no intelligent person will listen to you. Crybabies...the people who have had their lives turned upside down by profiteering CEOs like Ball and the assholes at PFE are always the victims of this fraternity of egomaniacs who
" increase shareholder value". Just another term for greedy bastards kissing each other's asses to make a fast buck. So now Hospira will be gone like many other great companies PFE has swallowed, raped and pillaged for the sake of what? Yeah, the shareholder makes a few bucks. I certainly did in this rotten deal, but I'd be happy with decent returns from both companies vs this windfall and not having thousands of people ruined. I am not a fan of our POTUS, but I do agree with him that WS sucks...a corrupt, manipulative, greedy, morally and ethically deficient bunch of thieving bastards who prey on an uninformed public. Ceo's are in the same cult. Pad their pockets and screw the employees who kept them employed.
Its inevitable that assholes like you find yourselves on the other side of the equation. Then we'll see who the crybabies are. I am sure you will cry louder and longer.
In the words of the great prophet, name unknown..... F&$k you and all those like you, especially that phoney, bullshitting, lying bastard, ball.

Despite your emotional response to my logical post, you make valid points. The pillaging that will occur is going to be brutal. $800 million in cuts with $400 million in the first year can't be done compassionately and won't be. The post was not a support of corporate America's ruthlessness and you are correct that "creating shareholder value" is synonymous with greed. The post was supportive of the way Ball ran the company and it was a tweak at the crybabies who always think they can do everything better than whoever is doing it. Their platitudes and clichés got really, really old. When Ball puts the company is a position that PFE wants to shell out $15 billion in cash and assume $2 billion in debt, he did his job and did it well - make that magnificently. Telling PFE that "We don't want your $90 because it won't be good for our employees" is not an option. Fiduciary responsibility and all that. All this said, I think the company is worth $110 and I am voting no on this deal. I doubt if the institutional shareholders will concur. If someone wants to be insulated from this type of thing occurring in corporate America, their only option is to not work in corporate America. These are the rules and we all know it and have for a long time.

I Will vote YES

Pfizer Closes this deal hands down End of discussion!

Ball cashed in when he came on board he took $12 million for his retirement while we lost ours. Now he is making at least 81 million with HSP picking up his tab for all income taxes. While at the same time insuring thousands will be out of jobs.

there will come a day when it will be open season on guys like this. Because they will watch you and your kids starve while they use gold monogramed toilet paper.

It's was more than hands down, It was a Grand Slam !

Ball is a simply a rich turd. A member of the long list of worthless CEOs who do nothing but talk a good game. They either set the company up to be acquired, or set up their golden parachute to collect on their incompetence and laziness. This fraternity is a group of dogs smelling each other's asses for the next opportunity.
Can't blame them, it's one way to get rich without doing shit.