Ball gets 80 million in buyout

At $30 per share, HSP was worth $5 billion. At $90 per share, HSP is worth $15 billion. Ball created $10 billion in shareholder value. What does he deserve for that? A $25,000 bonus? Too low? Maybe $100,000? Still too low? A million? Still too low? $80 million? No! Everybody is screaming it's too high! No, No No! People are going to get fired and Ball walks away with $80 million! No, No, No! Pick your number. He was worth at least $80 million. He made me hundreds of thousands and I always knew I should be buying more. Shame on me for being timid. Gripe all you want boys and girls. $80 million is a bargain. I am going to follow Ball's career and buy stock in the next company he runs.

At $30 per share, HSP was worth $5 billion. At $90 per share, HSP is worth $15 billion. Ball created $10 billion in shareholder value. What does he deserve for that? A $25,000 bonus? Too low? Maybe $100,000? Still too low? A million? Still too low? $80 million? No! Everybody is screaming it's too high! No, No No! People are going to get fired and Ball walks away with $80 million! No, No, No! Pick your number. He was worth at least $80 million. He made me hundreds of thousands and I always knew I should be buying more. Shame on me for being timid. Gripe all you want boys and girls. $80 million is a bargain. I am going to follow Ball's career and buy stock in the next company he runs.

You do that genius.

I have always wondered why the crybabies on this board that can't stand Ball and the rest of management didn't start their own companies. They could have paid themselves huge salaries, great benefits, monster bonuses and massive stock options. On top of that, they could have hired great managers that wouldn't make the mistakes and would not "run the companies in to the ground" like they claimed Ball and everybody else was doing. They could treat their employees like royalty and put no charge spas in the corporate offices and free cafeterias like Google does for its employees. It seems to me that it would have been a Utopic situation for them, yet for some reason they didn't do it. The only thing Ball did wrong (and it is not insignificant) is sell the company too cheap. Maybe the BOD made him accept the offer (maybe not - maybe he was supportive). HSP is worth $110 and PFE would have paid it if the BOD had played hard ball. I am hopeful that another company figures this out and ups the offer, although the stock is not trading as if that's something that is pending. I would ponder all this longer, but have to go count the money that Ball made me, although it would have taken longer to count if he had held out for $110 like he should have. I hope the crybabies will follow us all over to the PFE board so they can tell that management how to run the company - in between crying sessions.

I have always wondered why the crybabies on this board that can't stand Ball and the rest of management didn't start their own companies. They could have paid themselves huge salaries, great benefits, monster bonuses and massive stock options. On top of that, they could have hired great managers that wouldn't make the mistakes and would not "run the companies in to the ground" like they claimed Ball and everybody else was doing. They could treat their employees like royalty and put no charge spas in the corporate offices and free cafeterias like Google does for its employees. It seems to me that it would have been a Utopic situation for them, yet for some reason they didn't do it. The only thing Ball did wrong (and it is not insignificant) is sell the company too cheap. Maybe the BOD made him accept the offer (maybe not - maybe he was supportive). HSP is worth $110 and PFE would have paid it if the BOD had played hard ball. I am hopeful that another company figures this out and ups the offer, although the stock is not trading as if that's something that is pending. I would ponder all this longer, but have to go count the money that Ball made me, although it would have taken longer to count if he had held out for $110 like he should have. I hope the crybabies will follow us all over to the PFE board so they can tell that management how to run the company - in between crying sessions.

You freaking windbag. You like to hear yourself talk because no intelligent person will listen to you. Crybabies...the people who have had their lives turned upside down by profiteering CEOs like Ball and the assholes at PFE are always the victims of this fraternity of egomaniacs who
" increase shareholder value". Just another term for greedy bastards kissing each other's asses to make a fast buck. So now Hospira will be gone like many other great companies PFE has swallowed, raped and pillaged for the sake of what? Yeah, the shareholder makes a few bucks. I certainly did in this rotten deal, but I'd be happy with decent returns from both companies vs this windfall and not having thousands of people ruined. I am not a fan of our POTUS, but I do agree with him that WS sucks...a corrupt, manipulative, greedy, morally and ethically deficient bunch of thieving bastards who prey on an uninformed public. Ceo's are in the same cult. Pad their pockets and screw the employees who kept them employed.
Its inevitable that assholes like you find yourselves on the other side of the equation. Then we'll see who the crybabies are. I am sure you will cry louder and longer.
In the words of the great prophet, name unknown..... F&$k you and all those like you, especially that phoney, bullshitting, lying bastard, ball.