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Bad News for Bosses


1. News flash for biopharma bosses: More than half your employees want to leave
By Carly Helfand Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Biopharma employee looking for a new job? You're not alone. In fact, you're not even in the minority, a new report says.
More than one-half--51%, to be exact--of biotech and pharma workers are looking to jump ship to a new company, according to Randstad's Pharma Engagement Study. That compares with just 38% of employees polled across different industry sectors.
What if they snag an enticing offer from another company? Fully 66% of biopharma employees are likely to make the switch.
Why the lost love for pharma employers? Inadequate pay and lack of opportunity for advancement, often cited by job seekers in general, help account for the higher-than-average turnover. But then there are two not-so-common reasons that pharma workers mentioned: high stress levels, and difficult relationships with managers and coworkers, Randstad found.
Flight-risk employees also provided some clues on how drugmakers can keep them around. Some 38% of biopharma professionals surveyed said they wanted recognition for their contributions and achievements, in addition to the universally coveted bonus and promotion potential.

Randstad Pharma President Greg Coir
"While fair pay will always be an important factor to employee retention and engagement, professionals in the biotech/pharma sector clearly want to be recognized for their hard work and achievements," Greg Coir, Randstad Pharma president, said in a statement. "Executives must work closely with their HR departments to promote a positive working environment."
Flexibility is another perk biopharma employees want: As Randstad Pharma's 2014 Workplace Trends Report found, 49% of pharma execs say they're now offering options to work remotely, versus 36% of other industries' execs.
"Today's employees want attractive options and being able to offer those flexible arrangements can be a powerful retention tool and offers employers access to a larger talent pool," Coir said. "This is the reality we now live in."

I AM GLAD TO BE OUT. My bosses were completely overbearing in ways they don't know about. They missed me a lot more than I missed them. Would I come back? Tough call

How much more job flexibility can you have than working 2-3 hours per day and lying about what you did those 2-3 hours? LMAO!

People are leaving in droves because you can't make really good money anymore (reps that are left think 70-100,000 is actually good money. That's because they know they can't really sell).

Also because this is the most cut-throat, back-stabbing industry on the planet. You are rewarded for stabbing people in the back and lying to their face on a daily basis. Doing that for no real money (compared to real sales jobs) is taking way too much of a toll on people's health. At least those with a conscious, although most of those reps are already gone.

Not to mention the idiotic management we have to work with and low-class reps that we have to interact with everyday. Add all that up and he-- yes everyone wants to leave. 51% is way too low. That's why Lilly is recruiting from Walmart. Those people are happy to have any job.

This has become a job for lazy people who want no accountability and don't mind lying all day long. And yes I am leaving. My spouse is getting transferred across the country in a few months so waiting it out until then. Doing my job and counting down the days.

51% is ridiculously too low. People are just hanging around collecting a paycheck until they get canned. JL, AA, DR and his harem don't want to leave but that's about it. So I would say 99% at Lilly. Too unmotivated to find another job until we all get the ax. Or newbie reps from Applebees who are thrilled to have weekends off.

51% is ridiculously too low. People are just hanging around collecting a paycheck until they get canned. JL, AA, DR and his harem don't want to leave but that's about it. So I would say 99% at Lilly. Too unmotivated to find another job until we all get the ax. Or newbie reps from Applebees who are thrilled to have weekends off.

Most people that leave Lilly are paid well. They leave because nanagemevt is horrendous.

Good reps leave because they have drive and are self motivated. Lilly shot themselves in the foot by freezing salary, awful compensation plan and removing rankings. Lilly once had great educated reps and forced all those reps out. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys! The current sales force is a joke and the ones still around are just there to collect a paycheck and see how far they can milk it. Leaving Lilly was the best career move possible and I encourage everyone to explore other opportunities. Yes you are going to have to work a full day but it is much more rewarding in the end.

Good reps leave because they have drive and are self motivated. Lilly shot themselves in the foot by freezing salary, awful compensation plan and removing rankings. Lilly once had great educated reps and forced all those reps out. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys! The current sales force is a joke and the ones still around are just there to collect a paycheck and see how far they can milk it. Leaving Lilly was the best career move possible and I encourage everyone to explore other opportunities. Yes you are going to have to work a full day but it is much more rewarding in the end.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Low Morale

Hang in there partner.

Think like LCC does. Look for an opportunity to get rid of that overhead, and don't give them any kind of honest clue about what you are really up to. When you are good and ready and have six months worth of living expenses, let em have it at the worst possible time.

But not before then. These people are lying and cheating you. You owe them nothing.

Hang in there partner.

Think like LCC does. Look for an opportunity to get rid of that overhead, and don't give them any kind of honest clue about what you are really up to. When you are good and ready and have six months worth of living expenses, let em have it at the worst possible time.

But not before then. These people are lying and cheating you. You owe them nothing.

Oh, poor you! Being in the top 3% financially in the US is really terrible, isn't it? How can you even feed your family, you poor thing? Big, bad Lilly is treating you so terribly!!

The self-pity on this site is disgusting. Could things be better? Of course they could. But don't pretend that your life is terrible or that anyone is treating your horribly. Look at 97% of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis, and they are much worse off than you are. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. If you want a new job, then go get one. Quit trying to find ways to screw the company that has given you a gravy train to ride on for years. Be a freakin' adult.

Oh, poor you! Being in the top 3% financially in the US is really terrible, isn't it? How can you even feed your family, you poor thing? Big, bad Lilly is treating you so terribly!!

The self-pity on this site is disgusting. Could things be better? Of course they could. But don't pretend that your life is terrible or that anyone is treating your horribly. Look at 97% of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis, and they are much worse off than you are. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. If you want a new job, then go get one. Quit trying to find ways to screw the company that has given you a gravy train to ride on for years. Be a freakin' adult.

You're obviously one of the new hires who should be working at Denny's. This job used to be held by cream of the crop people. Now we are so ghetto and low class our doctors are embarrassed for us. Love it when I here how happy I should be just to have a job. I didn't bust my butt to graduate from one of the best colleges in the country to work somewhere that anyone off the street can work for and for 1/2 the money I was hired in at. Sorry if that sounds snooty but it's reality. I don't know anyone who graduated from a top school who wants to work here anymore. That's why they are recruiting from University of Phoenix.

If you haven't noticed, the quality of people here these days shows in our sales results. Not that sales results matter anymore as we are nothing but customer service reps. The few good reps who stay will be phased out to make room for more of these Walmart greeters.

You're obviously one of the new hires who should be working at Denny's. This job used to be held by cream of the crop people. Now we are so ghetto and low class our doctors are embarrassed for us. Love it when I here how happy I should be just to have a job. I didn't bust my butt to graduate from one of the best colleges in the country to work somewhere that anyone off the street can work for and for 1/2 the money I was hired in at. Sorry if that sounds snooty but it's reality. I don't know anyone who graduated from a top school who wants to work here anymore. That's why they are recruiting from University of Phoenix.

If you haven't noticed, the quality of people here these days shows in our sales results. Not that sales results matter anymore as we are nothing but customer service reps. The few good reps who stay will be phased out to make room for more of these Walmart greeters.

Denny's! LMAO!

You're obviously one of the new hires who should be working at Denny's. This job used to be held by cream of the crop people. Now we are so ghetto and low class our doctors are embarrassed for us. Love it when I here how happy I should be just to have a job. I didn't bust my butt to graduate from one of the best colleges in the country to work somewhere that anyone off the street can work for and for 1/2 the money I was hired in at. Sorry if that sounds snooty but it's reality. I don't know anyone who graduated from a top school who wants to work here anymore. That's why they are recruiting from University of Phoenix.

If you haven't noticed, the quality of people here these days shows in our sales results. Not that sales results matter anymore as we are nothing but customer service reps. The few good reps who stay will be phased out to make room for more of these Walmart greeters.

I keep reading this post. So many hysterical lines to steal and use at my next 1:1 with my team and manager!! The new face of Lilly... Retail flunkies and graduates from community colleges or those that graduated with their advanced, " on line" degree! I wish we were making all this up, but since the post April '13 new Eli Lilly- we can't! The truth is that competitors, customers and investors all know the reality of this once respected company:( RIP LLY

Oh, poor you! Being in the top 3% financially in the US is really terrible, isn't it? How can you even feed your family, you poor thing? Big, bad Lilly is treating you so terribly!!

The self-pity on this site is disgusting. Could things be better? Of course they could. But don't pretend that your life is terrible or that anyone is treating your horribly. Look at 97% of the people you come in contact with on a daily basis, and they are much worse off than you are. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. If you want a new job, then go get one. Quit trying to find ways to screw the company that has given you a gravy train to ride on for years. Be a freakin' adult.

There is NO loyalty or trust that the company earns anymore. It works both ways.

Shedding thousands of mid-career employees to buy back billions of dollars in stock is about as low as it gets, and we DESERVE to be a pathetic insulin and farm and fleet drug company

Top 3% --- are YOU a COMEDIAN? When this company completely falls to pieces, do you think you'll be able to sell your McMansion?

You're obviously one of the new hires who should be working at Denny's. This job used to be held by cream of the crop people. Now we are so ghetto and low class our doctors are embarrassed for us. Love it when I here how happy I should be just to have a job. I didn't bust my butt to graduate from one of the best colleges in the country to work somewhere that anyone off the street can work for and for 1/2 the money I was hired in at. Sorry if that sounds snooty but it's reality. I don't know anyone who graduated from a top school who wants to work here anymore. That's why they are recruiting from University of Phoenix.

If you haven't noticed, the quality of people here these days shows in our sales results. Not that sales results matter anymore as we are nothing but customer service reps. The few good reps who stay will be phased out to make room for more of these Walmart greeters.

I can't balme your customers for being embarrassed for you. I'm sure you haul that shitty, self-pity with you whenever you walk in. They aren't embarrassed for drug reps; they're embarrassed for YOU.

And again, if it's so terrible, go find a new job. I'm sure with your education from a "top school", you'll have no trouble landing a new job at twice the pay you make now. If you can't do that, then you've made my original point that you've been riding a gravy train for years. Either way, just accept that you are where you are because of YOU, not because of Lilly. Quit lamenting about how it used to be and deal with how it is, big boy.

I can't balme your customers for being embarrassed for you. I'm sure you haul that shitty, self-pity with you whenever you walk in. They aren't embarrassed for drug reps; they're embarrassed for YOU.

And again, if it's so terrible, go find a new job. I'm sure with your education from a "top school", you'll have no trouble landing a new job at twice the pay you make now. If you can't do that, then you've made my original point that you've been riding a gravy train for years. Either way, just accept that you are where you are because of YOU, not because of Lilly. Quit lamenting about how it used to be and deal with how it is, big boy.

You sure are smart. Did you get straight As as a Phoenix?