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Bad News Bears


The end is near. Lay-offs abound in the near future. Not really much need for deli slingers when providers have banned all the imbecile drug reps from their offices. COVID will have numerous societal changes and the demise of the pestilence drug rep is a positive one.
Good bye

What about all of us in low/no access states like MA, MN, WI, and VT? Do you think they will let us all go?
Yes. Industry is just showing mercy by not laying everyone off into this trash economy. Don’t count on that to last. Or I guess use this time to show providers will take facetime calls with you.

I have friends that work in these states mentioned and they can’t do much when COVID-19 wasn’t around! They said that they could go down 75% in these areas and be just fine!

This isn’t rocket science.

Why would any doctor allow a rep back in the office when the rep makes a living jumping in and out of other docs offices all day long? Can you imagine how insane that would be?

Lilly lost its competitive advantage when it intentionally replaced pharmacists with BA Communication majors named Bunny.

The chickens are now coming home to roost.

At least 2/3 of industry reps will be out of jobs.