bad judgement

Hmmmmm by looking at the person closely.......sets off alarms....again and again.

There are two sides to every story particularly when it is merck reps vs. schering reps. ...makes for a very bias and hostile work environment, no wonder this company has such low morale. By the way shouldn't pass judgement on ours, one never know what a person is going through, could be personal issues, etc. Doesn't the bible say " DO NOT JUDGE"?

There are two sides to every story particularly when it is merck reps vs. schering reps. ...makes for a very bias and hostile work environment, no wonder this company has such low morale. By the way shouldn't pass judgement on ours, one never know what a person is going through, could be personal issues, etc. Doesn't the bible say " DO NOT JUDGE"?

Dude, everyone has personal "issues" some people make their personal issues into a career.

There are two sides to every story particularly when it is merck reps vs. schering reps. ...makes for a very bias and hostile work environment, no wonder this company has such low morale. By the way shouldn't pass judgement on ours, one never know what a person is going through, could be personal issues, etc. Doesn't the bible say " DO NOT JUDGE"?

Alarms being set off can come from complaints about one's dealings with others. Their judgements, bias, work ethic, lack of ability to evaluate etc...Point is, when it happens again and again you know something is not right. Alarm!!!!! Could be a rep, could be a manager. Their action may be screwing you and that is wrong. Time for intervention!

Alarms being set off can come from complaints about one's dealings with others. Their judgements, bias, work ethic, lack of ability to evaluate etc...Point is, when it happens again and again you know something is not right. Alarm!!!!! Could be a rep, could be a manager. Their action may be screwing you and that is wrong. Time for intervention!

I couldn't agree more.

Dude, everyone has personal "issues" some people make their personal issues into a career.

No dude, personal issues have been created by Merck, late night busy work, compliance exams, oh, sorry honey, my boss is an #$%HOLE, no bonus, no promotion, and oh, no raise! But look, I have a job working 60+ hours for less money...Now you have marriage problems,
added stress, worry about kids and how's our future looking! Pretty damn depressing working for Bernie Maydoff's Mother.

No dude, personal issues have been created by Merck, late night busy work, compliance exams, oh, sorry honey, my boss is an #$%HOLE, no bonus, no promotion, and oh, no raise! But look, I have a job working 60+ hours for less money...Now you have marriage problems,
added stress, worry about kids and how's our future looking! Pretty damn depressing working for Bernie Maydoff's Mother.

Sad life you have dude!

so who is going to stand up to Merck? um no one will. We just post here.. yeah, someone listen to me. This isn't fair, that's not fair. Then your DM rides with you and asks "how's everything going"? Your answer, "GREAT"!
Way to stand up. How about we send a letter to the easter bunny too and see if he comes hopping over...

No dude, personal issues have been created by Merck, late night busy work, compliance exams, oh, sorry honey, my boss is an #$%HOLE, no bonus, no promotion, and oh, no raise! But look, I have a job working 60+ hours for less money...Now you have marriage problems,
added stress, worry about kids and how's our future looking! Pretty damn depressing working for Bernie Maydoff's Mother.

You'll be seeing an exit of some of the brightest and hardest workers in 2011. Sad..see who stays, who goes, and who's careers are ended with this. For those who are victim of someone's bad judement it's really sad.

So, seriously, what does one do if there are issues? Any experience with the Office of Ethics?

Document everything so there is not a "he said..she said"... of course you fight! Don't forget it's not only the manager who is screwing with you, it's your life!! What about a future career, job references!! Do you have a choice dude?