Bad District Managers

This sounds like the the MPLS Rhum Mgr and her twin MPLS GI Mgr. Instead of being drunks they’re flaming self centered narcissists

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6521571"]The Derm DM from
BFLO has no business representing J&J, he has a drinking problem and has exhibited anti Semitic, sexist, unethical behavior, not reporting a now retired rep for reviewing patients files to grow business! He rides his reps, insulting them, when he is not accountable for his own actions. Shame on you Janssen for keeping him in a leadership role, he should have been fired along time ago, our reps deserve better, J&J deserve better[/QUOTE]

In Mpls Jodi and Diane are well known Narcissistic‘s that know how to play the games and lie all day up and down the ladder with a smiles on their face. Everyone’s laughing behind them!

JNJ has poor managers because they strategically discuss ways to manipulate their sales reps thinking the strategies are good for sales. Surprised they put bottom line dollar first?

Discussion about Bad District Managers ? This will go on forever

Let's have a discussion about Good District Managers !


That was easy.

We are done !

If JNJ Mgmt had public transparency they could pull the BS they do. They know they can get away with their shit so they keep doing it. Money over everything

JNJ Mgmt will protect each other. It’s a typical good ole club that unfortunately needs to protect their lies, arrogance, egos and false sense of confidence. The Credo is their facade and everyone else is their means to Mgmt’s greedy wealth.

The new (old) mgr on the Ponvory team, who hopefully will retire soon exemplifies the height of arrogance!!!!! Can't wait till he leaves for his law career!

CC franchise has a a few managers that have thick files with Human Resources and still have their jobs. Why does Janssen keep them , or give them a made up Position like Special Projects ? A Sales Rep. would of been Fired.

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