I highly doubt Cipher will get back Absorica Sun actually mentioned Absorica by name, in the press release. They did their homework, and would keep the Ranbaxy name around, just to keep marketing Absorica. I am not privey, to all the details of the Cipher agreement.
Ranbaxy does not own Absorica - therefore, it is probably not part of the deal. Press release or not. It would have to be a separate negotiation on the merger. If you look at if from Ciphers eyes why would they mess with success? They will not agree to have a key product like Absorica thrown in a bag with a bunch of old steroids sold by a bunch of Taro reps. They have always wanted it to have its own sales team. Otherwise, the Ranbaxy steroid team would have gotten it as opposed to it having its own and new sales team. The down side is that we will not be able to punt on the inventiv thing which is a total mess. Absorica will probably be a stand alone after this deal is done.