B Z from Lytics gone????

Ashley Pratt is a terrible manager!!

Ashley Pratt is merely a under developed minion of a complete moron. The entire NE continues to suffer because we mediocrity because of placement rather than achievement. The sick religious cult that continue to repress and distort innovation and intelligence in this division needs to be exposed. JS, MD, RL, JM, AP, MB, AH, your judgement day is coming.

Ashley Pratt is merely a under developed minion of a complete moron. The entire NE continues to suffer because we mediocrity because of placement rather than achievement. The sick religious cult that continue to repress and distort innovation and intelligence in this division needs to be exposed. JS, MD, RL, JM, AP, MB, AH, your judgement day is coming.

The NE is the most obvious example of how upper management has allowed the lytic franchise to regress.

The arrogance of the Lytics franchise is unmatched. It amazes me that a group who sells in a market with no competition thinks they are "superstars". They self promote more than any franchise (stroke shirt at NSM and it seems like every other meeting). Get over yourselves....you're not that good.

The arrogance of the Lytics franchise is unmatched. It amazes me that a group who sells in a market with no competition thinks they are "superstars". They self promote more than any franchise (stroke shirt at NSM and it seems like every other meeting). Get over yourselves....you're not that good.

"Self Promote"??? It is more like advertise to the entire tourist community in Las Vegas that Genentech still did not get the memo on flying below the radar when holding extravagant c
company-wide celebrations. JS & DS should have be dismissed years ago. Dumb and Dumber!

Awe, such sour grapes...you'd kill to be back, move on and accept reality
You seem to be confused about reality, I am still working in the franchise and doing quite well. The franchise has stagnated with an unnecessary expansion and a failing marketing team. Sales leadership is out of touch with reality and customer access. JS has been extremely quiet since NSM and I am hoping Janet has realized there is a shat in the Lytics stew. Several shats, and you my Dear appear to be one of them. Accept this reality.

You seem to be confused about reality, I am still working in the franchise and doing quite well. The franchise has stagnated with an unnecessary expansion and a failing marketing team. Sales leadership is out of touch with reality and customer access. JS has been extremely quiet since NSM and I am hoping Janet has realized there is a shat in the Lytics stew. Several shats, and you my Dear appear to be one of them. Accept this reality.

Who talks like this? I have many friends in the Lytics franchise. They work harder than many of the people in our other franchises. They are very good at what they do. Now go do your lunch & learn and don't forget to bring in coffee and snacks in to your other accounts. Ask yourself: Do your customers "really" need you? Doubtful. You're a primary care rep. That is all.

Who talks like this? I have many friends in the Lytics franchise. They work harder than many of the people in our other franchises. They are very good at what they do. Now go do your lunch & learn and don't forget to bring in coffee and snacks in to your other accounts. Ask yourself: Do your customers "really" need you? Doubtful. You're a primary care rep. That is all.

Sorry to jump in here. You would have to be a Lytics CS responding as something else. Do you know how we know? Your assumption that a primary care rep is less than you. Let's be clear, Lytics now has nurses selling the product because the CSs can't, and don't. Why are we paying you? The last time I checked Lytics CSs send the same coffee and donuts. That's right, send. The difference is I show up and actually discuss my products with the customers. Ask yourself: who do you think you are kidding? No one. You're a DB. That is all.

FYI, the entire company is tired of the Lytics trash and the over-inflated egos!

Sorry to jump in here. You would have to be a Lytics CS responding as something else. Do you know how we know? Your assumption that a primary care rep is less than you. Let's be clear, Lytics now has nurses selling the product because the CSs can't, and don't. Why are we paying you? The last time I checked Lytics CSs send the same coffee and donuts. That's right, send. The difference is I show up and actually discuss my products with the customers. Ask yourself: who do you think you are kidding? No one. You're a DB. That is all.

FYI, the entire company is tired of the Lytics trash and the over-inflated egos!

BOOM! No more callers we have a winner!

I was in the lytics franchise for many years before moving to bio-onc. At one time, lytics was a great franchise, with great leaders like TH and DC. Reps and DMs were sharp because they had to be: a competitive environment with Retavase and launching Cathflo, and doing all of our own in-services in the hospital (day and night). Lytics today is barely a shell of what it once was. Most of the talent has left (either to other franchises within Genentech, or to opportunities outside of the company). Management is weak, and most of the sale force is lazy. At this point, the franchise could be eliminated and the products would still sell at the same levels. It is a sad ending to a once proud franchise.

Wow, after reading this thread I really want to be a part of Lytics!!!...can someone please fill me in on what appears to be an expansion? I see on the careers websites a load of jobs in Lytics, but as usual not much information about the position.
Signed, ex-RocheRep

So how was it that you were able to decipher her being a "strong manager". Please enlighten us and we will let you know if we agree.

Her questioning was focused more on character and critical thinking rather than relationships and experience promoting in hospitals. Personally, I believe people with character and the ability to critically think can build new relationships and learn to promote in hospitals. On the other hand what do I know...did get the job. This is my opinion.