B. Monk

Who r u gonna pick to replace Brent Brandon? The institutional sales team is watching!suggestion>>>>from the sales team>>>>pick someone the team respects. pick the anti Brent

Listen everyone. This is a true hospital sales force. If you dont like some of the things that come with selling plasma in the institutions please leave. Are there improvements that can be made? Absolutely. And we are involved in ways to improve things. It’s not all on Brandon.
This entire post is misinformed. If you’re unhappy, please tell your boss. There are other jobs within Takeda you may be better suited for. Hospital sales is not easy.

He's too busy looking for "yes men" ass-kissers who don't know shit. He drinks way too much of his own kool-aid and supports the ones who also drink and enjoy it as much as he does. Good people are being/have been passed over for this type, and what's left of his team are the ones who are left to deal with it.

He's too busy looking for "yes men" ass-kissers who don't know shit. He drinks way too much of his own kool-aid and supports the ones who also drink and enjoy it as much as he does. Good people are being/have been passed over for this type, and what's left of his team are the ones who are left to deal with it.

True. Brandon needs to do some serious self reflection. He’s very good at certain things, he’s very bad at connecting to the sales force which he runs. Nobody trusts him. He’s a talking head. Those dumb ass monthly conference calls? Everyone knows Paul told him to have them in order to connect with the sales force. It didn’t work. Sales is not your thing Brandon. Sorry but ask anyone and they will say the same thing

Why is Brandon the topic on cafe pharma now? It’s been the same situation going on 2 years now. I’m guessing it’s either people who have left or people who are looking to leave that are posting.

Why is Brandon the topic on cafe pharma now? It’s been the same situation going on 2 years now. I’m guessing it’s either people who have left or people who are looking to leave that are posting.
sometimes the damage is significant that companies need to learn from this. Don’t repeat major mistakes

sometimes the damage is significant that companies need to learn from this. Don’t repeat major mistakes

Nobody can say is Brandon isn’t a smart man. I don’t think we will ever hear the truth on how he is to work for him from his direct reports or even the directors. But with the KAMs he always comes off as pompous and what he says is always right. Sorry Brandon but my customers are not saying what you say they are. There is always an uneasy feeling with him around. He will never get honest feedback from the field. So hope you work for a good director you can trust. Because if Brandom heard how frustrated the field is, he’d probably fire 75% of us.

Just stop. Who else knows more about plasma more than Brandon? Maybe he should be focused on forecasting and marketing, but who are any of us to say? All we are doing is trying to tread water and nothing Brandon can say or do will fix where we are.

Now if he got us into this situation, that’s a totally different story. He didn’t. Blame Shire, not Brandon. Enough.The institutional team sounds like babies on CF. That’s the last thing we are.