B&L is doing well under new owners

There will be two Valeants. The Valeant before the acquisition of Allergan and the Valeant after the acquisition of Allergan. Valeant just can not keep research people scattered about at so many different facilities. There will be consolidation and centralization.

Rochester = contact lens and lens care

New Allergan Facility = pharmaceutical

If your research or function is not in the core facility you are not going to be a happy camper in the hallways in a few months.

Do they still do pharmaceutical research in Rochester? Seems like the attempt to change B&L to do more pharmaceutical research was a complete and total failure. B&L was on a hiring binge 6 or 7 years ago hiring pharmaceutical flunkies from other companies that were laying off their pharmaceutical research staff and closing down pharma reasearch.

Valeant has shown that these people have little value to them as now most have been let go. If some of them are still left they will have to show the new Allergan/Valeant management that they are of value to the new merged company.

The Allergan researchers and product development/regulatory submission group, if they stick around after the merger, are 10x more competent than what is now left at B&L.

However, Valeant has shown that it does not necessarily keep the best people. What their criteria for layoffs is anyone's guess. My guess is that it really is just a random process because the remaining groups after layoffs are cut back so far that no matter who you keep there is not much functionality to them anyway.

To #26, How would you know that Allergan is 10x more competent than those still at B+L? Do you work at both places or are you blowing smoke????? I'm guessing smoke.........

Answer your question, maybe on paper. The employees HATE it here! It's not a great environment people are leaving left and right. Goals are constantly up and down nobody is consistently making them. Platinum club winners are leaving. Pay sucks, benefits are avg, and the vacation accrual process is a joke.

That does not answer the question. I also am in this hated work environment - if you are truly a B+L person like you imply, you also know that there are no Pharma research jobs here in Rochester. To say that the only people left are incompetent (10x!) is very unfair. I come here each and every day and work hard and smart. I may be a masochist but definitely not incompetent! I suck it up everyday because its what is best for my family right now.

That does not answer the question. I also am in this hated work environment - if you are truly a B+L person like you imply, you also know that there are no Pharma research jobs here in Rochester. To say that the only people left are incompetent (10x!) is very unfair. I come here each and every day and work hard and smart. I may be a masochist but definitely not incompetent! I suck it up everyday because its what is best for my family right now.

The pharma research jobs are coordinating the outsourcing of contract research organization work on drugs close to product submission and yes those jobs still exist in Rochester.

How long Rochester can keep pharma research going is anyone's guess.

Vision Care would be a good unit for Valeant to sell. It is mainly consumer products that do not fit into the overall Pharma portfolio. It is the peak time to sell the unit. The problem is there are not any buyers.

Oh Well.

Hehe, this is called ADVERTORIAL... Awesome article, if it were true.

Valeant promised to its investors to cut B&L to the bone. Most of the cuts have been in R&D through layoffs and drying the development pipeline. Another source of cuts has been on the QC & QA side... Hehe, awesome, making B&L a bomb waiting to explode.