B+L Horror Stories

It's a horror story waiting for these Trimester commissions. You realize that you are really only getting paid commission twice a year. What a joke on commissions because most companies either do monthly or quarterly. When you make commissions every trimester then the company is trying to withhold payment from the reps. Only paid twice a year...

You are finally starting to catch on. People told you these things before you joined. The bonuses are bogus. Especially when you only get 2/3rds per year. You don't ever actually true up until you leave and start getting a bonus from someone else.

I never thought about it that way...just 2 frickin commissions a year and they are not that big. I know people at other pharma companies making what we make in a trimester but they do it every quarter. They get paid 3 times a year at least.

I can't really remember because I am no longer there, but it used to be you didn't get the numbers until the end of the following month right?

So 1st trimester ends in April, end of May you get the numbers and get paid Mid June Right?
Is it still that bad? So then 2nd Tri ends August, get paid mid Oct.

3rd tri ends december get paid Mid Feb. So you get trued up in your 2nd year, you get paid 3 bonuses per year in that 2nd year. But if one Trimester sucks, you get killed that year in commission. Happens to everyone. B&Ls comp plan is calculated not to pay people. It's very weak. Add up everyone's bonuses, if they still show that sheet and divide by the number of people. The average comp per trimester was around 4k per tri when I left. That's 12k a year people on average. A far cry of what they claimed was the average when I joined, and a far cry from perry's claims at the national meeting when he rolled out his new and improved. Nothing changed. Average was still weak, some people paid 0 dollars.

If you think you are a real salesperson. Get out of pharma. Go biotech, diagnostics or Medical Device. I make more in a month than my highest TRIMSETER ever at B&L and I was top 10 when I left. Get out of that dump

I can't really remember because I am no longer there, but it used to be you didn't get the numbers until the end of the following month right?

So 1st trimester ends in April, end of May you get the numbers and get paid Mid June Right?
Is it still that bad? So then 2nd Tri ends August, get paid mid Oct.

3rd tri ends december get paid Mid Feb. So you get trued up in your 2nd year, you get paid 3 bonuses per year in that 2nd year. But if one Trimester sucks, you get killed that year in commission. Happens to everyone. B&Ls comp plan is calculated not to pay people. It's very weak. Add up everyone's bonuses, if they still show that sheet and divide by the number of people. The average comp per trimester was around 4k per tri when I left. That's 12k a year people on average. A far cry of what they claimed was the average when I joined, and a far cry from perry's claims at the national meeting when he rolled out his new and improved. Nothing changed. Average was still weak, some people paid 0 dollars.

If you think you are a real salesperson. Get out of pharma. Go biotech, diagnostics or Medical Device. I make more in a month than my highest TRIMSETER ever at B&L and I was top 10 when I left. Get out of that dump

In fact I got paid almost 0 dollars. I am trying to get out of here but there are still no jobs out there; anyone hiring in eyecare?

B+L Horror Story = Belinda Camp, Kathy Kobe, Perry Sternberg

Those are really the 3 Stooges and it shows what happens when people like that get in over their heads. I heard Belinda does not have any true HR experience and was previously a rep that Kathy pulled over to B+L so she can control the entry and exit of people in the company.

Those are really the 3 Stooges and it shows what happens when people like that get in over their heads. I heard Belinda does not have any true HR experience and was previously a rep that Kathy pulled over to B+L so she can control the entry and exit of people in the company.

She was actually a receptionist at Novartis prior to this

She was actually a receptionist at Novartis prior to this

Wow...that's incredible. And her attitude is not even close to a positive demeanor that many receptionists try to project. I've talked with her at past national meetings and have been not impressed with her quality at all. How the heck can you go from receptionist to HR manager?!