AZ training

So, let me get this straight. AZ/PSS flew people in from all over the US and you had to get certified and pass on the SAME day that you flew in? If so, that's especially BRUTAL to anyone coming in from West Coast or anyone in MST zone. They were too cheap and inconsiderate to put up AT LEAST the PST and MST folks in a hotel? Wow...Glad I was partaking in any of this madness!

I meant glad I WASN'T partaking in any of this madness!!!! dammit why can't we edit posts as Anonymous Users?

If you made it to Wilmington, it should have been their responsibility to make sure you succeeded. Instead, they were looking for people to send home. Nice work AZ and Publicis. I'll never apply for a contract job again. The CSO could give a fuck about you one way or the other. The pay is also shit. Bonus is less than PC and this was supposed to be specialty sales?

From what I saw in Wilmington, you would have had to be really bad to get sent home, and if you were that bad, this wasn't the right fit for you.

So, let me get this straight. AZ/PSS flew people in from all over the US and you had to get certified and pass on the SAME day that you flew in? If so, that's especially BRUTAL to anyone coming in from West Coast or anyone in MST zone. They were too cheap and inconsiderate to put up AT LEAST the PST and MST folks in a hotel? Wow...Glad I was partaking in any of this madness!

No, we flew in on the day before, and the hotel was very good. Due to weather delays and a security issue at the Philly airport, a lot of people did arrive late to the hotel and only got a few hours sleep. But it still wasn't that bad if you had pharma experience and knew what you were doing.

It's really amusing how so many people are still so naive to think that they won't be sent home because of costs associated with hiring and training. And then when people get sent home it all comes as a shock and surprise. I have been in the industry for over 25 years and every new batch of new hires always have this mentality.

It's really amusing how so many people are still so naive to think that they won't be sent home because of costs associated with hiring and training. And then when people get sent home it all comes as a shock and surprise. I have been in the industry for over 25 years and every new batch of new hires always have this mentality.

So to the senior discount that posted the above, was your very first pharma sales training all home study followed by a 24 hour turn around flight? Mr or Mrs Paleolithic, did you notice that the job post did not specifically require people with pharmaceutical sales experience? Take another whiff of Aricept and get back to me. You are the one who is amusing.

No, we flew in on the day before, and the hotel was very good. Due to weather delays and a security issue at the Philly airport, a lot of people did arrive late to the hotel and only got a few hours sleep. But it still wasn't that bad if you had pharma experience and knew what you were doing.

This was new to me, and it was stressful, but not that bad. If you have a brain, you can learn it and do it.

RUN from this contract! Shit pay! Not worth the bullshit and "training" we had to go through. Had an interview for a different company the next day after flying back. Was preparing Sun. night for that, instead of looking at the dumbest portfolio of diabetes drugs. Give it up AZ, there are better non-isulin drugs out there and you guys know it. And as for PTS, what a joke... Not impressed with their training staff and. Made it through their ridiculous testing process but noticed they gave others a free pass who were atrocious and picked on others for no reason. Not cool. Hey Mr. Clean, uh I meant Tom.. Is it true we'll probably never hit our bonus? Oh and Shiny?... Why did the company I interviewed for today laughed at the base you guys offered and rolled their eyes at PTS?

I will say the 1 day training was sort of odd. But that was by far the most difficult part of it. Not sure how its something to cry and complain about. If that's the most difficult thing you had to do, then you should agree with the poster who said it was cake. And you seriously complained that groups were randomly assigned? What did you want to do, pick teams? It was really easy, especially if you had any prior pharm experience. Such childish complaints