How's everybody feeling about getting certified by AZ this week? They sure sounded intimidating Friday when setting the expectations.
Also, apparently we neither administrate nor attend speaker programs, which I like.
Just recite the messaging verbatim and don't deviate from the script!
There is more to it than that. They are being very strict on this contract because they want to be successful. The are sending people home and terminating them if they cannot do their verbalizations adequately. It's serious. Friend did it yesterday and said it was intense.
There is more to it than that. They are being very strict on this contract because they want to be successful. The are sending people home and terminating them if they cannot do their verbalizations adequately. It's serious. Friend did it yesterday and said it was intense. is that any different than what the op said?
It was a piece of cake but I can see how people would get nervous. If you have any experience you should be fine. One guy was apparently cracking jokes the whole time and got good reviews. I know that one guy got sent home Monday but he was a bumbling tool that couldn't put a sentence together. Rumor has it someone else was sent home on Wednesday. But those are rare and happen in any class.
You have a large boundary to roam when you get out your message. Just make sure you offered the actor a PI and you hit on the Side Effects and you were fine. Long day.
What a complete and utter joke. Each morning the groups were told how important they were to 'The Alliance' and told how important Ong and Kom were. Then given speeches on how much better the new classes or other classes of medicine were. I have never seen so many reps so ill prepared to enter the field selling a product. Not one of the new hires had the guts to ask why a physician should RX O and K instead of Januvia/Janumet or Trajenta and its combo pill. And not one of the trainers or big wigs brought it up either. What was heard for 5 days were 3 details times EVERY new rep which makes for a long day. Thank goodness the managers didnt have to go through this! As for people sent home? Yep, and their managers were given a 'talking to' by THEIR managers. But to be sent home you had to be a complete dullard and we had several. The majority of reps were just checking boxes making sure they said what they needed to say and went home. It will be interesting to see how well they do in the field!
The leaders made it very clear that all the DPP-4s are equally efficacious. That's why they want more share of voice, which is why they created this sales force. Duh.
It's a hustle game, and it's all going to come down to the $10 co-pay card that works as long as the doc prescribes Ong/KSR. Not a bad deal, BTW.
It was a piece of cake but I can see how people would get nervous. If you have any experience you should be fine. One guy was apparently cracking jokes the whole time and got good reviews. I know that one guy got sent home Monday but he was a bumbling tool that couldn't put a sentence together. Rumor has it someone else was sent home on Wednesday. But those are rare and happen in any class.
You have a large boundary to roam when you get out your message. Just make sure you offered the actor a PI and you hit on the Side Effects and you were fine. Long day.
"It was a piece of cake" is the biggest bunch of shit I've heard in a long time. NO SLEEP. LONG FLIGHTS. LUCK OF THE DRAW ON WHOSE TRAINING GROUP YOU WERE IN. Horrible verbalization set up. I passed but I had a half hour sleep. Only made it because I've been in the industry a while. If they were trying to save money, how much did they LOSE with all the people sent home? Good contract but one day turn around flight to DE for training is a very bad way to do things. Not a set up for success by any means.