
If you survive this layoff, you must take your reprieve and prepare for the next round. You have got to accept that there is NO FUTURE here or in pharma. You have GOT to realize this! AZ will just string you along until the next layoff round begins. I know you are "comfortable" and don't want to jump into a job market as bad as this, but you MUST face reality!

2012 is going to be a nightmare for the field. Vimovo dead and going to Cornerstone. XR is facing generic Seroquel and going to Cornerstone. Symbicort is stagnant, and AZ's desperation has forced them to resurrect the dead and buried Pulmicort. Crestor is doomed. R&D died long ago. Brilinta is off to a terrible start and facing generic Plavix in 4 months. Our BMS drugs are barely alive, and dapa is no guarantee and has a terrible side effect profile. Add on what has got to be THE most inept, out-of-touch, non-sales oriented management team, and what do you have? Basically a pile of shit.

What have you done to protect your future? Are you thinking that you will make it because you have reasonably good sales numbers? Let me tell you know, that doesn't mean shit! Your DM has sealed your fate with your "skills assessment" score. IF you don't drink the kool-aid like your DM thinks you should, and your sales #'s are good, you are still likely to be let go. Do you speak up on conference calls even if what you are saying is total bullshit? Do you volunteer to role play? Do you kiss your DM's ass every chance you get? If you do all of these things you will survive! Look at your DM. Can you believe THAT person is competent to actually rate you?

Do you want to continue this incredible charade?? Be bold! Step out and take a chance! You have no choice!

That's right you little bastards! Knock the stupid jokes off about your leader's hair and focus on the numbers. Walking the halls of this looney bin reminds me of an episode of "The Office." I can even take a leak without seeing a bunch of girls snickering and turning away with disgusting little repressed grins on their overfed faces. I've got my information.

We know who's pulling the wagon, who's riding the gravy train, and who's making the toupee jokes. If you think there's no method to who gets to stay and who gets fired, then wake the hell up. There are certain behaviors that will not be tolerated.

Absolutely agree with OP. There is no future in Pharma. AZ will continue to cut the field force to survive as a company and to show higher per share earnings to shareholders. 25% MCL/MCR and 50% CNS cut is just the beginning. My guess is CNS will be completely gone if the company fails to add/acquire a product for the CNS portfolio which seems highly unlikely. Therefore, those that survive this round should use the opportunity to look for a completely different career as the ride will be a very short one. Good Luck to us all!

The OP is right. This is a dying job. Cornerstone and CSO's are the future. We've all grown "comfortable" as the OP put it. We don't want to have to deal with the reality of our situation. The ass kissing, kool-aid drinkers will be the survivors. Despite what your DM says, they had/have a tremendous say in your future. The rankings gave them an opportunity to get rid of those that don't drink the kool-aid and protect the rest. OP is right when they said your sales won't protect you. This layoff from the beginning was very subjective. AZ will hide behind the 3rd party running it, but the input came from AZ's management.

The pressure in 2012 will be extreme. AZ will try and deceive us into thinking we are fine,but as sales plummet, their desperation will grow. And since they have absolutely no clue how to manage in bad times (not that they did in good times!), it will be business as usual. The fast start meetings were just the beginning. The process is all that matters, not the results.

The Year of Misery, as it has been called here on CP, has already begun.

The OP is right. This is a dying job. Cornerstone and CSO's are the future. We've all grown "comfortable" as the OP put it. We don't want to have to deal with the reality of our situation. The ass kissing, kool-aid drinkers will be the survivors. Despite what your DM says, they had/have a tremendous say in your future. The rankings gave them an opportunity to get rid of those that don't drink the kool-aid and protect the rest. OP is right when they said your sales won't protect you. This layoff from the beginning was very subjective. AZ will hide behind the 3rd party running it, but the input came from AZ's management.

The pressure in 2012 will be extreme. AZ will try and deceive us into thinking we are fine,but as sales plummet, their desperation will grow. And since they have absolutely no clue how to manage in bad times (not that they did in good times!), it will be business as usual. The fast start meetings were just the beginning. The process is all that matters, not the results.

The Year of Misery, as it has been called here on CP, has already begun.
There are no survivors only hostages.

If you survive this layoff, you must take your reprieve and prepare for the next round. You have got to accept that there is NO FUTURE here or in pharma. You have GOT to realize this! AZ will just string you along until the next layoff round begins. I know you are "comfortable" and don't want to jump into a job market as bad as this, but you MUST face reality!

2012 is going to be a nightmare for the field. Vimovo dead and going to Cornerstone. XR is facing generic Seroquel and going to Cornerstone. Symbicort is stagnant, and AZ's desperation has forced them to resurrect the dead and buried Pulmicort. Crestor is doomed. R&D died long ago. Brilinta is off to a terrible start and facing generic Plavix in 4 months. Our BMS drugs are barely alive, and dapa is no guarantee and has a terrible side effect profile. Add on what has got to be THE most inept, out-of-touch, non-sales oriented management team, and what do you have? Basically a pile of shit.

What have you done to protect your future? Are you thinking that you will make it because you have reasonably good sales numbers? Let me tell you know, that doesn't mean shit! Your DM has sealed your fate with your "skills assessment" score. IF you don't drink the kool-aid like your DM thinks you should, and your sales #'s are good, you are still likely to be let go. Do you speak up on conference calls even if what you are saying is total bullshit? Do you volunteer to role play? Do you kiss your DM's ass every chance you get? If you do all of these things you will survive! Look at your DM. Can you believe THAT person is competent to actually rate you?

Do you want to continue this incredible charade?? Be bold! Step out and take a chance! You have no choice!

Bravo OP! You know...there's a good possibility I MAY make it through this round even though I am CNS. I have always been lauded as a great rep, hence my promotion. I never put much stock into it because I am grounded enough to know very little of what we are measured on is actually sales. But you helped remind me exactly why I am considered such a great rep by my managers. I do those things...I pontificate whenever there's a need for volunteers...even if it takes my DM poking me in the ribs to do it. I have made a name for myself not because I have extremely strong numbers but because I can talk like I'm some hard core sales rep. And it's all this "talking" that has got this company where it is today.

I am close to securing a job with a couple different companies and can only hope I get one while also being displaced so I can bank the severance. Whether they do me a favor or's just a matter of time before I peace out.

If you survive this layoff, you must take your reprieve and prepare for the next round. You have got to accept that there is NO FUTURE here or in pharma. You have GOT to realize this! AZ will just string you along until the next layoff round begins. I know you are "comfortable" and don't want to jump into a job market as bad as this, but you MUST face reality!

2012 is going to be a nightmare for the field. Vimovo dead and going to Cornerstone. XR is facing generic Seroquel and going to Cornerstone. Symbicort is stagnant, and AZ's desperation has forced them to resurrect the dead and buried Pulmicort. Crestor is doomed. R&D died long ago. Brilinta is off to a terrible start and facing generic Plavix in 4 months. Our BMS drugs are barely alive, and dapa is no guarantee and has a terrible side effect profile. Add on what has got to be THE most inept, out-of-touch, non-sales oriented management team, and what do you have? Basically a pile of shit.

What have you done to protect your future? Are you thinking that you will make it because you have reasonably good sales numbers? Let me tell you know, that doesn't mean shit! Your DM has sealed your fate with your "skills assessment" score. IF you don't drink the kool-aid like your DM thinks you should, and your sales #'s are good, you are still likely to be let go. Do you speak up on conference calls even if what you are saying is total bullshit? Do you volunteer to role play? Do you kiss your DM's ass every chance you get? If you do all of these things you will survive! Look at your DM. Can you believe THAT person is competent to actually rate you?

Do you want to continue this incredible charade?? Be bold! Step out and take a chance! You have no choice!

Excellent post and right on the money! As a DM, I can tell you that most DM's really have no clue if their "favorite kool-aid drinking rep" is the one producing most of the business. The kool-aid rep is usually extremely good at fooling the DM. During a conference call we were discussing the skills assessment of our reps, and one DM I know was extolling the virtues of one rep that I personally know has pissed off several offices, while their counterpart is moving share.

AZ has a lot of problems and they are only getting worse in 2012. A lot of good people are going to lose their jobs in a few weeks then again at the beginning of 2013 and more likely, sooner. Don't waste one precious minute in looking for another job/career.

Bravo OP! You know...there's a good possibility I MAY make it through this round even though I am CNS. I have always been lauded as a great rep, hence my promotion. I never put much stock into it because I am grounded enough to know very little of what we are measured on is actually sales. But you helped remind me exactly why I am considered such a great rep by my managers. I do those things...I pontificate whenever there's a need for volunteers...even if it takes my DM poking me in the ribs to do it. I have made a name for myself not because I have extremely strong numbers but because I can talk like I'm some hard core sales rep. And it's all this "talking" that has got this company where it is today.

I am close to securing a job with a couple different companies and can only hope I get one while also being displaced so I can bank the severance. Whether they do me a favor or's just a matter of time before I peace out.

Just curious if you are staying in pharma? I f not where are you looking? Thanks.

Just curious if you are staying in pharma? I f not where are you looking? Thanks.

One is a fixed duration position in pharma...I figure it's a salary so I can bank the severance (I know I have to keep it under the radar) and it will pay the bills while I look for something else. I know anywhere in pharma is flimsy.

The other one is device sales. I'm working on a degree to get me out of here and I need a couple more years. Just trying to find something to get me there.

In a few weeks, the spin the Survivors are going to hear will be unbelievable! If they think morale is down now, wait until AFTER February 1st when everyone is waiting for the Fall to get here, and do it all over again! IF you make, you will have about 9 months to prepare for another career. Don't waste the time like you have in the past!

In a few weeks, the spin the Survivors are going to hear will be unbelievable! If they think morale is down now, wait until AFTER February 1st when everyone is waiting for the Fall to get here, and do it all over again! IF you make, you will have about 9 months to prepare for another career. Don't waste the time like you have in the past!
The message from leadership will sound something like this. " I realize that the past few months have been very stressful for everyone. Trust me when I say that it was not something that any of us wanted to do. However, we must remain flexible and adapt to an ever changing business environment. Now let me say congratulations to all of you who who now make up a leaner but no less effective sales force. We selected you because you were the best of the best and now that there are fewer of us, we are depending on you more than ever to continue to strive for even greater results.
We believe that we are right sized now but we must also realize that 2012 will be a very trying year, much like 2011 with patent challenges and price pressures. Of course the results we deliver will determine the size and design of the sales force moving forward as we will continue to re-evaluate our situation. Now are there any questions? No? Well then good luck and good selling."
Now think about 2013 since you could substitute 2009,2010 and 2011 for these numbers, the speech was the same. In 2009 those who were cut heard this same message that they were the best of the best.

The message from leadership will sound something like this. " I realize that the past few months have been very stressful for everyone. Trust me when I say that it was not something that any of us wanted to do. However, we must remain flexible and adapt to an ever changing business environment. Now let me say congratulations to all of you who who now make up a leaner but no less effective sales force. We selected you because you were the best of the best and now that there are fewer of us, we are depending on you more than ever to continue to strive for even greater results.
We believe that we are right sized now but we must also realize that 2012 will be a very trying year, much like 2011 with patent challenges and price pressures. Of course the results we deliver will determine the size and design of the sales force moving forward as we will continue to re-evaluate our situation. Now are there any questions? No? Well then good luck and good selling."
Now think about 2013 since you could substitute 2009,2010 and 2011 for these numbers, the speech was the same. In 2009 those who were cut heard this same message that they were the best of the best.

Geez, spot on. You wrote it for them. Now it's too easy. All they have to do is cut and paste

If you have been in this industry over 10 years you will not find another job that pays this well. Unless, You have a skill or a trade that would allow you to start your own business. The good old days are gone. If you choose to stay a pharm rep, then find a rent a rep place.a.k.a. contract sales. This is no longer a career its a gamble.

Interesting! The name of this thread is "AZ SURVIVORS." My comment is.....Who are the survivors? The ones that leave or the ones that stay? Hmmmmmmmmm???????? I'm thinking the survivors are the ones who leave this toxic environment.

If they think morale is down now, wait until AFTER February 1st when everyone is waiting for the Fall to get here, and do it all over again!

If people are retained and decide to leave anyway can those not retained decline the package and post for the position?

You decline the package and you basically give them the money.

Usually not, unless you have a heads-up that you are on the bubble. If someone declines the job or takes another and they come to you, and offer the job. You will be fine to stay. But not otherwise.

They also will put a limit on when you can come back to work for the company after packaging out. That can be 3 - 6 months.

If I were you I'd not be sitting around waiting for that to happen. Move on quickly, while you still have your confidence.

Well the Year of Misery is going strong at AZ! With Dapa virtually D.O.A., layoffs this coming week and next week, no pipeline, generics nipping at our heels, and what do you have left? A zombie like sales force, managed with an outdated model; "leaders" that have absolutely no idea how to lead; no future etc., etc., etc.,

The SPIN will commence right after the layoffs with tornadic like winds! They will try and assure the "soon-to-be-gone-in-the-next-round", that all is well. Control what you can! Do those wonderful webex/speaker programs, and watch the Rx's roll in by the hundreds! Share those "best practices" with those in your district, so that they can compete against you even more! Be sure to practice that fake smile, tap on that screen, and all will be well!

Fucking amazing isn't it???!!!

Well the Year of Misery is going strong at AZ! With Dapa virtually D.O.A., layoffs this coming week and next week, no pipeline, generics nipping at our heels, and what do you have left? A zombie like sales force, managed with an outdated model; "leaders" that have absolutely no idea how to lead; no future etc., etc., etc.,

The SPIN will commence right after the layoffs with tornadic like winds! They will try and assure the "soon-to-be-gone-in-the-next-round", that all is well. Control what you can! Do those wonderful webex/speaker programs, and watch the Rx's roll in by the hundreds! Share those "best practices" with those in your district, so that they can compete against you even more! Be sure to practice that fake smile, tap on that screen, and all will be well!

Fucking amazing isn't it???!!!

Oh sooooo true! There is absolutely nothing they can do or say that will convince us to trust them with ANYTHING. The deal is, I use them and they use me. I have no future, and will take every waking minute to find a way out of here. AZ is readying the next round of cuts as we speak. What a life and work environment!!! This is absolutely a dead end job.

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