AZ Hair Test?


Hi studies show that with occasional pot smoking the hair follicle testing is very weak. Even in daily users the positive result is low. For other drugs however the hair is very good and the drugs bind to hair more effectively. Do some research online. But don't smoke agin before the test. Good luck!

Hi studies show that with occasional pot smoking the hair follicle testing is very weak. Even in daily users the positive result is low. For other drugs however the hair is very good and the drugs bind to hair more effectively. Do some research online. But don't smoke agin before the test. Good luck!

wear a wig to the test. we had a corporate executive who passed that way.

I was hired as part of the BMS roll in two years ago. We had the urine test. Same thing with me, I smoked a few days before they announced the drug test and was freaking out. If you really only smoked the once you are probably safe. I bought an at home test kit from cvs just to put my mind before I went in for the real employment one.

I actually used to sell drug tests. Not a big smoker anymore, but wished I could indulge more. I don't think it would show up in a hair test anyway, but I'd pass with flying colors on a urine test. I used to be more fun, ha.