You must be new to contract. PSS doesn't know what they are doing and even if they did you would be the last to know. They tell you that everything is great and you will make lots of money and contract is solid with many opportunities if you do a good job. All nothing but a bunch of BS. Ask your questions but you will get no response. Ask too many questions and you will be gone. They want box checkers and sample droppers here. Not bad as a second job if you can handle the disfunction of those above you. Most reps have been laid off from other pharma gigs and just holding onto whatever comes by. Job, yes. Career not unless you call a job that goes from year to year without a promise if you do great work you will be retained or even promoted. Turn your head to the side and look behind you. The fact that you see nothing is similar to the direction of this industry. That is what all in this industry are doing now when it comes to job security. If you are in management then continue to pass the blunt and take a deep pull thinking everything is ok. Look ahead at the other opportunites that you could use some of those skills in. You will find yourself much better off. Perhaps you just enjoy the confusion, lies, and falseness that contract pharma has become. What was once a way to introduce those without sales experience to a promissing industry has become nothing but a last resort. It's like putting cheap gas in your car. The seller in this case your mananger will tell you it's ok and your future is bright because you are going to be better off in the end. Reality is that your car/ jobnever never runs right and sooner or later you will have a breakdown/layoff.