Why do you think it will be over in less than 12 months?
Why do you think it will be over in less than 12 months?
We are being paid on a share-of-voice contract, with sales being secondary. Ask your AZ rep. AZ is a metric driven company. They have not been a sales organization for years. In fact, they are ashamed to admit that they "sell" pharmaceuticals, just like GSK. We have 0 loyalty to AZ. At the end of a year, this contract is gone, maybe sooner. Just lie about your calls. Life will be a lot easier.
the worst bunch of targets i have ever seen in 15+ yrs in the business, the truth is what it is and this list is trash
contract reps will not take our jobs, the end result when lipitor goes generic-contract reps term will end and majority of AZ reps will lose their jobs except for certain regions
Why do you think it will be over in less than 12 months?
not only do the md's feel the pressure to write generics, but your local pharmacist get bonuses from their respective companies for writing generics-more profit, and lets face it, if you were a patient, would you rather pay a few dollars for a med or pay a bundle for a name brand
Am I the only one, or do these “Target List” for the AZ Crestor contract stink? It seems like we were given last years’ trash. I know we all want to do the very best we can, that said, these targets are what they are: 90% No Access and/or Limited Access. What is going to happen, something has to give? It feels like a dog chasing its' tail. Please, honest thoughts, help, tips, etc.
the target list are awful. 4-6 calls a day unless they want us to lie and count doctors who are in but won't see us. if az or publicis cares, give us a meaningful list, please.