AZ created the mess that will be 2012 US sales results


AstraZeneca put EVERYONE in the position to look for a job in November 2011 when they announced the restructure. We all went out looking for new jobs. Those of us who remained after the January 31st cut were still looking. Those seeds are now starting to grow. The reps who are actually good have interviews or already accepted offers from new companies or are changing careers completely. They created this, it's so bad out there right now.

Trust me please when I say this everyone. EVERY SINGLE REP I KNOW who is good, is either fielding offers or deep in the interview process with other companies, including me. There are so many opportunities out there, lots of jobs. Granted the competition is intense which makes it fun to compete with your friends and reps you used to see in the field.

AZ has started to see a mass exodus from this already talent starved company. What did they expect? EXEC leadership eliminated every single developmental/promotable job anyone from field sales would have been interested in. You can no longer develop, transfer, move up, explore new career options with AZ. The ride is most certainly over. In my current interview process, the developmental and promotion roles with other companies are rich and rewarding. AZ has nothing unless you want to move back to DE and who really wants to do that?? No one.

It is thoroughly depressing working here anymore. This was once a great place to work. Sure some people were lazy and wanted to work 9-3 and go play with their kids but some of us really did take this seriously. All those people who really cared about AZ who have UNDER 15 years are on their way out. By the middle of the summer, half your team will have new jobs. I know at least 65% of the reps in the city I live in will be gone.

My guess, is this was what MT wanted. Make the work environment miserable so people leave. This has unintended consequenses because only good reps/mangers/directors etc. are getting job offers. The POS are still here faking it all day. He wanted people to leave so they didn't have to pay millions in packages this time, but hes going to end up with a nation of C players and career AZ reps who are within 6ish years of retirement. All the top reps will be gone. That will be your legacy sir. You'll get your fat package to "retire" like Brennan but everyone you ever interact with will always look at you as the guy who destroyed one of the best sales forces in the business.

AstraZeneca put EVERYONE in the position to look for a job in November 2011 when they announced the restructure. We all went out looking for new jobs. Those of us who remained after the January 31st cut were still looking. Those seeds are now starting to grow. The reps who are actually good have interviews or already accepted offers from new companies or are changing careers completely. They created this, it's so bad out there right now.

Trust me please when I say this everyone. EVERY SINGLE REP I KNOW who is good, is either fielding offers or deep in the interview process with other companies, including me. There are so many opportunities out there, lots of jobs. Granted the competition is intense which makes it fun to compete with your friends and reps you used to see in the field.

AZ has started to see a mass exodus from this already talent starved company. What did they expect? EXEC leadership eliminated every single developmental/promotable job anyone from field sales would have been interested in. You can no longer develop, transfer, move up, explore new career options with AZ. The ride is most certainly over. In my current interview process, the developmental and promotion roles with other companies are rich and rewarding. AZ has nothing unless you want to move back to DE and who really wants to do that?? No one.

It is thoroughly depressing working here anymore. This was once a great place to work. Sure some people were lazy and wanted to work 9-3 and go play with their kids but some of us really did take this seriously. All those people who really cared about AZ who have UNDER 15 years are on their way out. By the middle of the summer, half your team will have new jobs. I know at least 65% of the reps in the city I live in will be gone.

My guess, is this was what MT wanted. Make the work environment miserable so people leave. This has unintended consequenses because only good reps/mangers/directors etc. are getting job offers. The POS are still here faking it all day. He wanted people to leave so they didn't have to pay millions in packages this time, but hes going to end up with a nation of C players and career AZ reps who are within 6ish years of retirement. All the top reps will be gone. That will be your legacy sir. You'll get your fat package to "retire" like Brennan but everyone you ever interact with will always look at you as the guy who destroyed one of the best sales forces in the business.

and then they will bring in very experienced reps from Publicis to take our places. And you what, it will work just fine and will save AZ tons of money. To me, it's amazing they haven't gotten rid of 90% of us by now, and replaced us with Publicis reps.