AZ Brain?


Why is IT at AZ so messed up? Can’t they just go out and buy data like the rest of pharma? They would rather invest in AI machine learning to statistically guess about data? Who was the idiot that bought that bill of goods? It’s always been bad but lipstick on a pig doesn’t change that it’s still a pig! So much for speak up culture!


Why is IT at AZ so messed up? Can’t they just go out and buy data like the rest of pharma? They would rather invest in AI machine learning to statistically guess about data? Who was the idiot that bought that bill of goods? It’s always been bad but lipstick on a pig doesn’t change that it’s still a pig! So much for speak up culture!

Speak up culture was/is a scam to make you think someone gives a damn what you think. It’s nothing more than an opportunity to build a file on you to use during PDR and the next downsizing.

Speak up culture was/is a scam to make you think someone gives a damn what you think. It’s nothing more than an opportunity to build a file on you to use during PDR and the next downsizing.
Have you heard of functions being downsized? THey're moving all HR to Canada. Many already lost their jobs & others are being laid off soon. I my marketing leader told me the company will be moving to Gaithersburg shortly. Start looking for job elsewhere. I am doing that & will leave the moment I find another job. Very unstable environment

Have you heard of functions being downsized? THey're moving all HR to Canada. Many already lost their jobs & others are being laid off soon. I my marketing leader told me the company will be moving to Gaithersburg shortly. Start looking for job elsewhere. I am doing that & will leave the moment I find another job. Very unstable environment
I too heard of that! I'm in market access & my manager told me the same. He said our team will move to Gaithersburg in 2 yrs. It doesn't feel safe & appreciated anymore...

Why is IT at AZ so messed up? Can’t they just go out and buy data like the rest of pharma? They would rather invest in AI machine learning to statistically guess about data? Who was the idiot that bought that bill of goods? It’s always been bad but lipstick on a pig doesn’t change that it’s still a pig! So much for speak up culture!

The brain is the creation of a global digital/marketing team, not sure there is any IT inside, just lipstick.

To survive, be of a diverse population. The more groups you belong to, the better your chances.

If you are a black trans who also is a lesbian that was a man by "assignment", a vegan and pagan, you should be safe.

Facts. No company leaned into DEI harder than AZ.
Right. Because other companies always did a good job hiring diverse people. They even openly publish their population %. AZ never hired diversity. They only hired people who look like their managers. I've been with AZ for 15 yrs & never saw diversity. AZ is now trying to catch up with other companies because they can't hire or retain diverse people. The reputation is too bad. Diverse people don't get promoted in AZ! Check your facts

Why is IT at AZ so messed up? Can’t they just go out and buy data like the rest of pharma? They would rather invest in AI machine learning to statistically guess about data? Who was the idiot that bought that bill of goods? It’s always been bad but lipstick on a pig doesn’t change that it’s still a pig! So much for speak up culture!

I've been with AZ for a long time and haven't heard of AZ brain. Is this true? Do share!

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