Axsome Therapeutics

Congrats to who? The paltry 59 study enrollees, half of whom were randomized to placebo? The SHARP study is the kind of data that Sunosi needs but it looks and presents like an afterthought. At least it’s better than the crap post hoc data like we had with the depressed patients.

Not sure what you are going on about. All 59 patients received Sunosi, SHARP study data has not yet been released beyond the primary endpoint (standard practice), and the company announced intention to discuss with the FDA. Not clear what your expectations are…

Not sure what you are going on about. All 59 patients received Sunosi, SHARP study data has not yet been released beyond the primary endpoint (standard practice), and the company announced intention to discuss with the FDA. Not clear what your expectations are…

key word being expectations- sadly, not much when it comes to this product and startup!