Axogen info


What is the latest with Axogen? Are they surviving - or thriving? I heard rumors of a breast repair/salvage product?

Have they figured out a legit way to come up with an honest/fair quota yet?

Nope. They will hit their peak in about a year and then it will be all down hill from there. They still aren’t profitable.. even being the only company with a true Nerve allograft option.

What is the latest with Axogen? Are they surviving - or thriving? I heard rumors of a breast repair/salvage product?

Have they figured out a legit way to come up with an honest/fair quota yet?

the 'product' is still just avance, just a new indication. breast recon docs have been doing it for years under the table for double mastectomy reinnervations - they can just finally market and make money on it now. while YOU stay poor