Your utter ignorance of scientific facts is astonishing. There is a huge difference in the action on the body between a full opiate agonist and subxone, which had naloxone added. Second if your crush Suboxone to inject it, it's rendered ineffectual. Got that? Second, you do not swallow Subxone unlike full agonists, nor can you crush and snort. It's ingenious combination and action, make it COMPLETELY different because it's a partial opiate agonist. You don't care, because your main point is to spew whatever someone has fed you and you think you sound smart. You are a half witted fool, with an agenda to puss someone off. Last and not least it has to be taken sublingual, though I doubt you know what that means. It tastes very bad, minimize any desire to want to stay on it very long. Finally, weaning off a paralegal agonist is far easier and more tolerable and mire successful than trying to get off full agonists such as oxycontin, heroin, methadone and the like. The good people who sell this med, work hard to educate idiots like you. You clearly have never met the addicts whose lives have been saved and whose families are eternally grateful for the clinical liaisons who got the message through thick headed people, that opiate addicts now gave a choice, a choice to get off opiates altogether and in combination with proper counseling are now living full and prosperous lives. The pain med and methadone industry are the ones you should direct your vitriol to. Unlike you, I've sat in a room of opiate addicts whose lives have been saved directly as a result of a rep convincing multiple primary care docs to screen for addiction, get patients into treatment and counseling early. What a shame you missed our on a lot of tears, hugs and the real story on thus miracle treatment option. Yes, I've met people like you and listened to your ignorant rants. You do your best to undermine Suboxone and make addicts and their families think there is no hope. God help you. Even doctors, nurse and counselors get way out there, twisting in their thinking by some pissed off pain med company, methadone rep, and Nan once you get a little info and half truth you bloody run with it. I'm sitting here right now with someone whose life had been saved. Mine.