Great article. 2014: The end of the road for the America drug salesperson. It says what we all know but won't talk about. What we do in our offices doesn't really matter. And will matter even less as Obamacare takes over. Most of us don't get good access but the company will use that only against the employees it's trying to get rid of, like the over 50 crowd. There's no future in this career, especially for middle managers like abms and rbds.
I like that. A lot of us like that. Good luck trying to find a six figure job down the road.
There is a huge difference in the work ethic between people who are in their 50s versus people in their 20s and 30s todays. People in their 50s recall their twenties and thirties as being years where they knew they had to sacrifice and work their butts off to get ahead. People in their 20s and 30s don't want to do that and still want to be at the top the day they graduate college. The difference in the mind set is stark.