Awesome news for the 50 and over crowd!

Great article. 2014: The end of the road for the America drug salesperson. It says what we all know but won't talk about. What we do in our offices doesn't really matter. And will matter even less as Obamacare takes over. Most of us don't get good access but the company will use that only against the employees it's trying to get rid of, like the over 50 crowd. There's no future in this career, especially for middle managers like abms and rbds.
I like that. A lot of us like that. Good luck trying to find a six figure job down the road.

There is a huge difference in the work ethic between people who are in their 50s versus people in their 20s and 30s todays. People in their 50s recall their twenties and thirties as being years where they knew they had to sacrifice and work their butts off to get ahead. People in their 20s and 30s don't want to do that and still want to be at the top the day they graduate college. The difference in the mind set is stark.

That isn't the worst. Just you wait until you find yourself working for these kids... and you will be very soon. Mid level managers are being dismissed and replaced by these idiots. Most of these managers have the reps preparing their reports while they are fucking off. Just when you thought it wouldn't get any worse.

That isn't the worst. Just you wait until you find yourself working for these kids... and you will be very soon. Mid level managers are being dismissed and replaced by these idiots. Most of these managers have the reps preparing their reports while they are fucking off. Just when you thought it wouldn't get any worse.

Here's the thing I'll always revel in: I banged my RBD's wife while on a P club trip. And she went nuts. Screaming, clawing, talking dirty to me, telling me how much better I was than her husband.
Now the dude is trying to fire me. Because he knows that every time for the past few years when his wife was making love to him, she was thinking about me.
And even after I'm gone, she'll still be thinking of me. Of how I hit the spot he could never reach.

Here's what it comes down to: Do the right thing and you will always end up okay in the end. It might be difficult or scary at the time but if you stick to your convictions and morals you will prevail.
However, if you do otherwise, you may not fare so well. In the end all you have done that is wrong and bad and spiteful will lead to your demise. It's sad to say and hard to hear but it's true.
So strive to do the right thing. Face your fear and forge forward, no matter what the consequences. In the end you will be happy with yourself. Not sitting around worrying about if the wrong deeds have caught up with you.
Think about what your actions could do to others. If your actions could hurt them, then dismiss them. Seek instead to motivate and elevate others. In doing so, you will lift yourself to heights unimaginable.
A person reaps what they sow. What have you sowed? And more importantly, what are you reaping? The answer will change your life.

Glad you agree with me. We all need to work together, to encourage one another, to put an end to infighting and proceed as one. This might take some work. We need to admit our faults to each other. Credential ourselves for ourselves and our customers. Tell the truth on data and pricing. But when we do, we are free to ride the wave to success! It's not about having fast cars or nannys or being part of a yacht club, but being honest and true to our values so our children who would have been raised by au pairs are instead raised by parents who care. Not about the materialism, about the integrity. Can I get another amen? I know I will!

Hmmm. It looks like somboby finally find out that JBI has records of who is posting and running a little scared? You kiss arse moves what get you out of what you already posted. Besides if you are north of 45 years of age they are trying yo take you out anyway.

Glad you agree with me. We all need to work together, to encourage one another, to put an end to infighting and proceed as one. This might take some work. We need to admit our faults to each other. Credential ourselves for ourselves and our customers. Tell the truth on data and pricing. But when we do, we are free to ride the wave to success! It's not about having fast cars or nannys or being part of a yacht club, but being honest and true to our values so our children who would have been raised by au pairs are instead raised by parents who care. Not about the materialism, about the integrity. Can I get another amen? I know I will![/QUOT

This should be printed out and distributed at the POA meetings. It would be great to have break-outs with the districts discussing how to implement it and then everyone can come back to the big tent with their ideas. If somebody has not done this they can stand up and tell how they plan to change. It would be a great new start for a great company. Teaming together and doing the right thing. That could be our slogan!

Glad you agree with me. We all need to work together, to encourage one another, to put an end to infighting and proceed as one. This might take some work. We need to admit our faults to each other. Credential ourselves for ourselves and our customers. Tell the truth on data and pricing. But when we do, we are free to ride the wave to success! It's not about having fast cars or nannys or being part of a yacht club, but being honest and true to our values so our children who would have been raised by au pairs are instead raised by parents who care. Not about the materialism, about the integrity. Can I get another amen? I know I will![/QUOT

This should be printed out and distributed at the POA meetings. It would be great to have break-outs with the districts discussing how to implement it and then everyone can come back to the big tent with their ideas. If somebody has not done this they can stand up and tell how they plan to change. It would be a great new start for a great company. Teaming together and doing the right thing. That could be our slogan!

This will be rolled out at the POA meetings this week. LEAD; Lie, Excuse, Attack, Destroy. It outlines what to do to a teammate you're jealous of.
You do it, and then you get fired.

Hmmm. It looks like somboby finally find out that JBI has records of who is posting and running a little scared? You kiss arse moves what get you out of what you already posted. Besides if you are north of 45 years of age they are trying yo take you out anyway.

honestly just stop it. Nobody is trying to take out anyone. If your numbers are poor you should expect a little bit of heat regardless of your age, sex, race etc. that is universal. Stop looking for excuses on why you can't succeed and look for ways to actually to win. You may just find yourself smiling more.

Field sales in immunology has lost all confidence in sales management. Leadership is now a thing of the past. M.Y. do you want to save a bunch of money? Fire everyone from directly below you to until you get to the field representative. The only thing these managers do is say " here is your ranking and you are above/below goal. Either way we need more from you while we pay you less". There is no direction or strategy in difficult waters. They are just a bunch of useless staff who were promoted up from the field for kissing the right peoples asses. When was the last time there was a focus group at a rep level to brainstorm the solutions? I don't mean the same 10 reps that always do the same ad boards either. They are all clueless and provide useless intel as you should know by now. So if you want to make this place really work and regain market leadership start by cleaning house of this bloated and ancient management staff along with the favored reps who they always take care of. Look at the calibration meeting to see who is sleeping with who. Either make this place the giant it should be or keep your door closed and let it continue to drop market share. Either way change is coming, with or without action on your part.

No way, dudes! this place don't run good without the Fabs!

Here's what it comes down to: Do the right thing and you will always end up okay in the end. It might be difficult or scary at the time but if you stick to your convictions and morals you will prevail.
However, if you do otherwise, you may not fare so well. In the end all you have done that is wrong and bad and spiteful will lead to your demise. It's sad to say and hard to hear but it's true.
So strive to do the right thing. Face your fear and forge forward, no matter what the consequences. In the end you will be happy with yourself. Not sitting around worrying about if the wrong deeds have caught up with you.
Think about what your actions could do to others. If your actions could hurt them, then dismiss them. Seek instead to motivate and elevate others. In doing so, you will lift yourself to heights unimaginable.
A person reaps what they sow. What have you sowed? And more importantly, what are you reaping? The answer will change your life.

No way! Not for the Faaaaaaaaaaaabs!!!!!!