Avoid Integra at all costs!!!

Yea, I agree with 11:09. I every once in a while I will scan through these posts, but I see the same jackoffs complaining day in and day out. Here's my advice to you.... If you no longer work for the company, then there's probably a pretty good reason for why the company no longer has you employed. Get over it and focus your energy on getting a new job. If you still work at Integra and you're complaining day after day and you're oh-so-miserable, then you have several options: 1) Quit, 2) Buckle down and create value for yourself so people will promote you instead of you telling everybody you think you need a promotion, or 3) Go work for another medical device company and show THEM how valuable you are. Really, the bottom line is, if you hate it so much, then quit. We don't want you around anyway.

Here's a response for you... just because these posts mostly discuss the stupidity of the management along with other issues within Integra (which you might be a part of), doesn't mean it's all written by the same person. Additionally dumb-ass, realize this is a public board, and people are entitled to express on topic of each post regardless of our employment status with Integra.

Ahhahhh. This is great! The 10:20AM person got all over the 2:59PM guy/girl saying that this is a public post and can rightfully say whatever he wants.... Yet he jumps all over 2:59 for their post. 10:20 it is clear you are on crack and deserved to be fired!

Alright alright. This is the "2:59 person" who posted earlier or yesterday or whenever. It sounds like I'm not the only guy who's sick of hearing the bitching and moaning from this loser. So loser, here's your shot. This web board is anonymous, so you can say whatever you want. So, I'm calling you out. Why don't you put proof to your big mouth and list names, events and anything else that you can specifically pinpoint. I don't want vague "somebody told me you had to be on your knees" crap. If statements like that hurt your feelngs, then you're going to have a long and hard life ahead of you. Grow some balls. And since this is all about "who owes you" in life, what exactly is it you want out of Integra? Hell, it doesn't even have to be Integra. Just say company X. Dont say some crap like "a wonderful company that cares for everybody else and we all sing together and blow each other on weekends". Guess what? It doesn't exist. It's called life. You had your milk money stolen from you in high school, now is the time to prove your value and worth so that people stop stealing your milk money. It's obvious you've had your ass kicked your entire life and then you come to boards like this to try and be tough. So, now's your chance. Spill the names and proof. We'll see if you actually do it. I don't think you will, but that's just me. It will only prove my point further.

Oh that's quite brave. Calling someone out for details so people can figure out who they may be. Why didn't you sign your own post? Hypocritical shit.

Alright alright. This is the "2:59 person" who posted earlier or yesterday or whenever. It sounds like I'm not the only guy who's sick of hearing the bitching and moaning from this loser. So loser, here's your shot. This web board is anonymous, so you can say whatever you want. So, I'm calling you out. Why don't you put proof to your big mouth and list names, events and anything else that you can specifically pinpoint. I don't want vague "somebody told me you had to be on your knees" crap. If statements like that hurt your feelngs, then you're going to have a long and hard life ahead of you. Grow some balls. And since this is all about "who owes you" in life, what exactly is it you want out of Integra? Hell, it doesn't even have to be Integra. Just say company X. Dont say some crap like "a wonderful company that cares for everybody else and we all sing together and blow each other on weekends". Guess what? It doesn't exist. It's called life. You had your milk money stolen from you in high school, now is the time to prove your value and worth so that people stop stealing your milk money. It's obvious you've had your ass kicked your entire life and then you come to boards like this to try and be tough. So, now's your chance. Spill the names and proof. We'll see if you actually do it. I don't think you will, but that's just me. It will only prove my point further.

Ahhahhh. This is great! The 10:20AM person got all over the 2:59PM guy/girl saying that this is a public post and can rightfully say whatever he wants.... Yet he jumps all over 2:59 for their post. 10:20 it is clear you are on crack and deserved to be fired!

Are reps at integra as retarded as this twit? No wonder you guy suck balls!

The two or three responders defending Integra are being bashed by the ass clowns who continue to claim how terrible life is at the company. Just quit, if you haven't already been fired. We all laugh at your dim witted posts, so thanks for the entertainment at least. I hope you don't put anyone from Integra as references, because more than likely you will continue to be jobless because employers will all know the truth of your stupidity.

I hope this guy doesn't work at your company. He obviously doesn't get it.

Took the day off today and saw what appeared to be a local device rep this morning hanging on his cell phone and computer inside the neighborhood Starbucks in his (or, at least, some hospital's) scrubs at around 10am. My wife and I hung out for about 30 mins. Even as we were leaving he showed no intentions of moving on and doing anything productive. I actually overheard him clearly talking to a recruiter the entire time. As I left and walked through the lot to my car I passed a car with lower extremity bone models in the back window, loaded with fracture hardware... I had to take a quick look through the windows, and sure enough there was Panta nail literature all over the car. Question: who's out working your territory, dude? At least be a little more discriminating in how you represent yourself (just my advice), even if you're planning on leaving Integra. I'm an RM with a different division of one of your competitors - you never know who may be watching your actions, and based on what I saw I was not impressed. PS - nice scrubs; I bet most of the people in Starbucks ACTUALLY thought you were a real life doctor! How COOL is that?!

Yea, I see reps from all companies walking around in scrubs. I remember meeting some reps once to go over some numbers and one of them met me at the cafe in scrubs. People were visibly staring and a couple people walked by and said, "afternoon doc". While some reps with low self esteem feel the need to do those sorts of things, it is not unique to one particular company. Some reps even go to the mall in their scrubs and I even saw one at the airport talking away on his cell phone about sales in his scrubs at the gate.

The two or three responders defending Integra are being bashed by the ass clowns who continue to claim how terrible life is at the company. Just quit, if you haven't already been fired. We all laugh at your dim witted posts, so thanks for the entertainment at least. I hope you don't put anyone from Integra as references, because more than likely you will continue to be jobless because employers will all know the truth of your stupidity.

Are you kidding, putting people from Integra as references? You guys are the joke of the industry! Using Integra references would be more of a detriment than a benefit.

Are you kidding, putting people from Integra as references? You guys are the joke of the industry! Using Integra references would be more of a detriment than a benefit.

Hahahaha! Love this board!!! I could take both sides of the issue! For the quoter above, I'll be sure to drop a nickel in your cup when I see you on the street corner!!!

Hahahaha! Love this board!!! I could take both sides of the issue! For the quoter above, I'll be sure to drop a nickel in your cup when I see you on the street corner!!!

Wow. I just read this entire thread. I'll never get that time back again. However, I had to laugh at the response above. Fighting the negatve writers with negativity. Very funny and cool tactic. Time to meet a doc....look forward to more responses.

The two or three responders defending Integra are being bashed by the ass clowns who continue to claim how terrible life is at the company. Just quit, if you haven't already been fired. We all laugh at your dim witted posts, so thanks for the entertainment at least. I hope you don't put anyone from Integra as references, because more than likely you will continue to be jobless because employers will all know the truth of your stupidity.

You would have to be a total dufus to get fired from a company like this. With that said, you would have to be a absolute r***** to stay working for a company like this.